Meet Indiana State Library’s Statewide Services Staff

Statewide Services encompasses three divisions in the Indiana State Library: the Library Development Office (LDO), the Professional Development Office (PDO) and Management Information Services (MIS). These divisions, along with the Legal Consultant and our Certification Program Director are responsible for supporting the development of libraries and library staff in Indiana. logo of Indiana State LibraryDeputy Director of Public and Statewide Services – Stephanie Asberry

Directs Indiana State Library Public Services, as well as the Professional Development Office, the Library Development Office and Management Information Services.

Administrative Assistant – Angela Downs
Provides administration support to the Indiana State Librarian and the Associate Director of Statewide services. Supports the annual Indiana Poetry Out Loud competition.

Library Development Office (LDO) Staff

The Library Development Office supports the improvement and development of library services to all Indiana citizens. The Library Development Office includes specialists in the areas of library finance, management, planning, evaluation, and services to special populations. The LDO also administers library services like interlibrary loan and library delivery services.

317-232-3697 or 800-451-6028 (Indiana only)

Library Development Office Supervisor – Jennifer Clifton
Oversees Library Development Office including resource sharing (SRCS, InfoExpress, Indiana Share), LSTA Grants, the Public Library Annual Report, and consultant and advisory services to public librarians and trustees. Works with the Professional Development Office supervisor to coordinate activities in support of  Indiana libraries.

Public Library Services Consultant – Hayley Trefun 317-232-1938
Provides general consultation to library staff and trustees, and specific consultation on library finance, and coordinates the Indiana e-rate program.


Image of Terry BlackAdministrative Secretary – Terry Black
Provides secretarial support to library consultants. Maintains Positions Open list. Coordinates the Read To Me program.


Angela FoxPublic Library Services & LSTA Consultant – Angela Fox
Directs the collection, retrieval, analysis and publication of data from all types of Indiana libraries; coordinates, oversees and consults with libraries regarding LSTA programs, applications, and grant writing. Provides consultant and advisory services to public librarians and trustees.

Resource Sharing Coordinator – Leigh Anne Johnson
317-232-3699 (For InfoExpress, please email:  For Indiana Share, please email: For SRCS, please email:
Coordinates and oversees the statewide InfoExpress library courier service, SRCS, INSPIRE, and the Indiana Share program.

The Professional Development Office (PDO)

The Professional Development Office (PDO) supports the advancement and development of library staff in all Indiana libraries for improved services to the citizens of Indiana. The Professional Development Office includes specialists in the areas of programming, children’s services, continuing education opportunities, and services available from the Indiana State Library.

317-232-3697 or 800-451-6028 (Indiana only),

PDO Supervisor – Kara Cleveland
Oversees the Professional Development Office.  Provides consulting and programming support to Indiana libraries on a variety of topics.  Acts as the Regional Coordinator for the Indianapolis Public Library.

Central Regional Coordinator – Meg Adams
Acts as liaison for the Indiana State Library and libraries of all types in the following counties of Indiana:  Bartholomew, Brown, Clay, Decatur, Delaware, Fayette, Fountain, Franklin, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Johnson, Madison, Monroe, Morgan, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, Union, Vermillion, Vigo, Warren, and Wayne

Northwest Regional Coordinator – Lacey Klemm
Acts as liaison for the Indiana State Library and libraries of all types in the following counties of Indiana: Benton, Boone, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Fulton, Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Marshall, Montgomery, Newton, Porter, Pulaski, St. Joseph, Starke, Tippecanoe, and White.


Northeast Regional Coordinator – Paula Newcom
Acts as liaison for the Indiana State Library and libraries of all types in the following counties of Indiana: Adams, Allen, Blackford, Dekalb, Elkhart, Grant, Hamilton, Howard, Huntington, Jay, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Marion, Miami, Noble, Steuben, Tipton, Wabash, Wells, and Whitley.

George Bergstrom-1-90x130

Southern Regional Coordinator – George Bergstrom
Acts as liaison for the Indiana State Library and libraries of all types in the following counties of Indiana:  Clark, Crawford, Daviess, Dearborn, Dubois, Floyd, Gibson, Greene, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Knox, Lawrence, Martin, Ohio, Orange, Perry, Pike, Posey, Ripley, Scott, Spencer, Sullivan, Switzerland, Vanderburgh, Warrick, and Washington

image of Beth YatesChildren’s Services Consultant – Beth Yates
Provides consulting and programming support in the area of children’s and young adult services.

Map of regions covered by each regional coordinator.
Library List By County of Public and Institutional Libraries Covered by Each Regional Coordinator

Legal Consultant / General Counsel – Sylvia Watson                                         317-232-3735

Provides general legal consultation services to Indiana library directors and trustees on matters pertaining to the administration of public libraries.

Certification Program Director / Legal Consultant –  Diana Doore

Administers all aspects of the Public Librarian Certification Program and serves as a consultant to library staff and trustees on certification issues and other legal matters.

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