Teen Services Resources and Tips
Contact: Beth Yates ~ Indiana State Library ~ byates@library.in.gov
This page contains various resources to assist with teen services.
Teen Development:
- Social/Emotional Development – Teens are figuring out who they are and where they belong, as well as how they relate to others. They are developing their personality, likes, and dislikes. Libraries can help with this through programming (exploring interests) and giving teens a place to hang out with peers (developing interpersonal skills) and trusted adults (library staff).
- Biological Development – Onset of puberty begins ages 10-12 for girls, 11-13 for boys. Remember – it’s difficult to determine age at first glance during this time because they mature at vastly different rates, so don’t assume maturity levels.
- Cognitive (brain) Development – Teen brains are not fully developed! The areas of their brain that helps with impulse control, setting priorities, and organizing; planning and adapting to the social environment they are in; and putting situations into context via retrieved memories connected to gut reactions may not be fully developed until the age of 25. Meanwhile, the area responsible for acting on impulse, fear, and aggression develops early. Mistakes are inevitable. Be patient and understanding, and give them second chances.
Teen Tips – General
Helpful in developing relationships and avoiding problem behavior in long term.
- Learn their names and get to know them
- Empathize–remember what it was like to be a teen
- Listen to them, let them share their interests
- Cut them slack / don’t stereotype
- Be accepting/non-judgmental
- Treat them like the adults they think they are; don’t talk down to them
Teen Tips – Behavior Management:
- Keep your cool–don’t let them see you upset, it will tip the balance of power
- Don’t take it personally–the trouble they might be causing is not aimed at you, they are in their own worlds
- Give them a reason/explain why–if they understand why a behavior is problematic, they are more likely to stop
- Criticize behavior not person–everyone has bad days; ask for a change in behavior
- Be flexible or consider loosening some rules for teens
- Be firm, fair, and consistent
- Have an Appropriate Library Behavior Policy you can point to for support.
Developmental Needs and Outcomes
Teens Need Libraries – YALSA outlines why teens need libraries
CASEL Framework / 5 Social Emotional Competencies – competencies teens need to gain during adolescence so they can become fulling functioning adult members of society–interactive wheel.
7 Developmental Needs of Adolescents – what teens need in order to build competencies.
Programming for Teens
YALSA Professional Tools – YALSA’s one-stop-shop with useful links, including:
- Teen Programming Guidelines – thorough guide to programming for teens.
- Teen Staff Competencies Handout – suggested competencies for library teen services staff.
- Teen Programming Outcomes Handout – for use when setting goals for teen programs.
Working with Teens
Teen Services: A Fresh Perspective – excellent tips for interacting with teens from the Illinois Library Association.
“A Teen Walks into the Library” course from the Colorado State Library, in conjunction with Arapahoe Libraries (CO). This is a great entry-level self-paced training about working with teens in the library setting. This course utilizes videos that provide real-world examples of situations you may encounter, and how to handle them. It’s great for those new to working with teens—and all library staff who may encounter them.
Reaching Teens
Asset Mapping: What is it? – quick video overview of asset mapping.
ConnectedLib Guide to Community Asset Mapping – module that walks you through community asset mapping.