Tag Archives: Early Literacy

Beyond Books: Serving the Whole Patron – 1 LEU

image of multicolored tactile toysThe staff of the North Manchester Public Library strive to meet the needs of their community in a variety of innovative ways. Unique programs and resources strengthen community relationships, center the library as an integral part of community life, and undergird literacy. In this webinar, Sarah Morbitzer, Children’s Department head, will share the ways NMPL is working to promote food security, physical activity, sensory integration, accessibility, and curiosity in learning.

Presenter Sarah Morbitzer began her career in the library world as a 10 year old volunteer. As a high school student she was hired as a clerk and promoted to Children’s programmer in her late teens. She later served as a Children’s Department Assistant and is now the Children’s Department Head at the North Manchester Public Library. Big ideas get her excited and one of her greatest joys is implementing new ideas at the library to blow patrons’ minds and get them excited about coming to their library!

Date Recorded: 5/10/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Sarah Morbitzer / North Manchester Public Library

Resource: Beyond Books Serving the Whole Patron resources


Early Literacy Summer Programming with the Firefly Book Award – 1 LEU

firefly award logo Indiana early literacy talking singing reading writing playingDo you need summer program ideas for your youngest patrons? Look no further than the Indiana Early Literacy Firefly Award! This Indiana book award comes complete with an entire manual packed with ideas and resources for ages 0-5. This webinar will dive into the manual, discuss voting methods, and more about this great picture book award voted on by Indiana children ages 0-5.

Suzanne Walker is the Indiana Young Readers Center Librarian at the Indiana State Library. Suzanne received her Master of Library Science from Indiana University. She is currently the Indiana Young Readers Center Librarian and Director of the Indiana Center for the Book, an affiliate of the Library of Congress. She coordinates Indiana’s Letters About Literature competition annually. Suzanne judged the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards in 2013 and 2014 and the Indiana Poetry Out Loud competition in 2017. Most recently she was a judge for the 2020 Indiana Authors Awards and the 2021 Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award. She has presented numerous times at Indiana Library Federation’s District conferences, annual conferences, and youth conferences and is proud to have been interviewed about Indiana authors by NPR.

Shel Curry, children’s author, has always dreamed of being an author and in November 2021, The Bedtime Story Race was published. When Shel was a little girl, getting her first library card was a defining moment in her literacy journey. She has been involved with the Firefly Award Committee for two years. The Gary, Indiana native is a graduate of Indiana State University, a mom of four and when she’s not reading with her kids, she works full time in corporate communications.

Date Recorded: 4/25/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Suzanne Walker, Indiana Young Readers Center, Indiana State Library and Shel Curry, children’s author, member of Firefly Award Committee



Collection Development, Analysis, & Promotion with Book Connections – 1 LEU

Join us to learn more about the ways that Book Connections can support your collection management projects. Discover tools to help analyze and generate reports that provide insights into the genre, cultural classification, and recency represented in your collections. Book Connections resources can also help you promote your collections for increased patron engagement. TeachingBooks and Book Connections are provided to all Indiana schools, public libraries, universities and residents through INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library.

Date Recorded: 4/13/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Book Connections/TeachingBooks Staff


Get Ready to Recommend: Using Book Connections for Reader’s Advisory – 1 LEU

Book Connections tools can assist library staff in providing easy and thorough Reader’s Advisory for children and teens, as well as helping empower readers to independently discover a new favorite title. Learn about Discover Like Books, searching and filtering, and resources to preview titles, and come away ready to recommend a book to any reader. TeachingBooks and Book Connections are provided to all Indiana schools, public libraries, universities and residents through INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library.

Date Recorded: 3/30/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Book Connections/TeachingBooks Staff


Launching TALK in Your Community – 1 LEU

Talk logo with a little fish

Get started with TALK: Text and Learn for Kindergarten. Discover how to quickly navigate online toolkits to find promotional materials and partnering tips to help you reach parents you might not see at the library with school readiness activities they can do at home. Learn how to use the MCLS TALK portal to send text messages to caregivers and let them know about upcoming library events.

This webinar is geared towards Indiana public libraries who are interested in or are planning to join the Indiana TALK pilot group. 1 hour/1LEU

An introductory webinar about TALK took place November 3, 2022 – here is the recording link (1 hour/1 LEU).

Date Recorded: 1/18/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jodi Krahnke, Head of Youth Services – Ypsilanti District Library, MI



All Together Now: Summer Reading 2023 webinar – 1 LEU

all together now

Get started planning your 2023 Summer Library Program with this VIRTUAL Collaborative Summer Library Program training! Join Beth Yates of the Indiana State Library for this training where you will be introduced to and receive updates about and resources for the 2023 CSLP Summer Reading Program “All Together Now.”

NOTE: If you attend an in-person All Together Now training in Indiana, there is no need to watch this webinar; content is duplicated.

Date Recorded: 1/4/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant / Indiana State Library




TALK: Text and Learn for Kindergarten – 1 LEU

talk logo yellow fish with the word talk

Learn about TALK: Text and Learn for Kindergarten, a text messaging program based on Every Child Ready to Read that empowers parents and caregivers to prepare their little ones for school success by sending easy, fun activity suggestions they can do at home.

In partnership with the Indiana State Library and Midwest Collaborative for Library Services, with funding from an IMLS National Leadership grant, TALK is now available in Indiana. Originally developed and tested by libraries in Washtenaw County, Michigan with IMLS/LSTA funds distributed through the Library of Michigan, TALK is currently being used by many public libraries in Michigan to reach parents they might not see at library storytimes. Learn details about the service, the toolkits, and how you can use text messaging to help improve school readiness in your community.

Date Recorded: 11/2/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Jodi Krahnke, Head of Youth Services and Angie Martin-Schwarze, TALK Program Assistant / Ypsilanti District Library (Michigan)




Philosophy and Children’s Literature – 1 LEU

father and child with book teddy bear reading in natureChildren’s literature is full of philosophical questions and ideas, reflecting an awareness of children’s propensities to think about life’s big questions. This webinar will explore ways to inspire exploration with children about their big questions through children’s books. We will examine several examples of philosophically-suggestive works, and will engage as a group in a philosophical inquiry based on a picture book. You will come away with ideas and resources for involving children in philosophical questioning and discovery through literature.

Date Recorded: 10/25/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jana Mohr Lone, Executive Director of Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) and Affiliate Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Washington




Raising Ready Readers – 1 LEU

Raising ready readers muncie public library racoon open bookIn this webinar, Katie Lehman of the Muncie Public Library’s Ready Readers program will explore a variety of methods used by the program to engage children in reading in creative and fun ways. Participants will learn different ways that these approaches can be incorporated into their own library’s programming.

Katie Lehman is the founding leader of the Muncie Public Library’s Ready Readers program, a free one-on-one literacy training and reading tutoring service for children ages 1-12. She has spent the last 10 years working with children in various settings including preschools, after school programs, and libraries.

Date Recorded: 9/13/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Katie Lehman / Muncie Public Library





Reimagining School Readiness – Part 1-2 LEUs & Part 2-1 LEU

reimagining school readinessThe Reimagining School Readiness Toolkit is a suite of research-backed resources created for library staff to help families prepare children ages 0 to 8 for success in school and in life. Through an interactive presentation with hands-on activities, this training will introduce library staff to the research, practical implications, and resources offered in the toolkit, which is available in its entirety for free online. Participants will understand key findings from current cognitive and developmental psychology research, reflect on the implications of those findings for their daily work, and gain practical ready-to-implement ideas for activities, as well as resources for staff training and for parents/caregivers. You will benefit from this workshop if you work with children ages 0 to 8 and their families and would like to learn more about how to offer research-backed programming in your library!

Date Recorded: 9/16/22 and 9/17/2022

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates / ISL Children’s Consultant and Suzanne Walker / Indiana Young Reader’s Center Librarian and Director of the Indiana Center for the Book


Part 1 = 2 hours / 2 LEUs


Part 2 = 1.25 hours / 1 LEU