Tag Archives: Education

What’s Cooking in the Library? – 1 LEU

image of young girl cookingAre you looking to spice up your library programs? Does the thought of cooking classes make you blanch? This session focuses on cooking programs for preschoolers through teens. We will introduce the basics of adding cooking programs to your list of library activities, sharing resources, recipes, techniques, and tips for success. Let us make cooking a whisk you’ll be willing to take!

Date Recorded: 11/27/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Erika Wagner, Programming and Outreach Librarian and Cindy Baumeister, Branch Supervisor / Crown Point Community Library



Public Libraries & the Science of Reading – 1 LEU

As Indiana public schools adopt state-mandated curriculums aligned with the Science of Reading (SoR), what can public libraries do to support parents and teachers? What resources might they be looking for? In this session, we’ll talk about the ways libraries already support SoR through Every Child Ready to Read, and then share the adjustments we’ve made to our collections to complement the Fundations curriculum adopted by Carmel Clay Schools in 2021.

Date Recorded: 11/14/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Jennifer Humphrey, Carmel Clay Public Library

Libraries and SoR slides – presentation slides
SoR Indiana Resources – resource document

The Citizen’s Handbook: Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy – 1 LEU

The League of Women Voters of Indiana will introduce you to The Citizens’ Handbook and discuss ways you can provide this important resource to others, demonstrating its pragmatic use for addressing issues that impact citizens in your community.

Indiana ranked 50th in voter turnout for the 2022 General Election according to the 2023 Indiana Civic Health Index; this is an abysmal statistic and one we must all work to rectify. Indiana Libraries, as the information centers in our communities, can help to educate everyday citizens using this new resource. The Citizen’s Handbook commissioned by the League of Women Voters of Indiana and written by Dr. Darren Wheeler and Stacy Wheeler of Ball State University, is a factual, easy-to-read, short primer on our systems of governance. A QR code in the Handbook and links to resources make this easily accessible for all.

Date reorded: 7/25/24

Format:  Archived YouTube Webinar

Presenters: Barbara Tully, Cindy Lorentson Cook, Linda Hanson and Kate Munson, League of Women Voters of Indiana


New Escape Room Kits from ISL! – 1 LEU

The Indiana Young Readers Center is proud to announce new kits coming in 2025 for check-out to Indiana’s teachers and librarians. Indiana Escape Rooms (in a box!) focus on Indiana history, build on primary resources from the Library of Congress, and were developed with the help of a Teaching with Primary Sources grant. Join this one hour webinar to learn all about the kits and the TPS Grant.

Date Recorded: 10/9/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Suzanne Walker, Indiana State Library

New Escape Room Kits from ISL slides (pdf)
Library of Congress: Teaching with Primary Sources
Teaching with Primary Sources Midwest Region
Breakout EDU

Science of Reading Implementation: Indiana’s Priorities for Early Literacy – 1 LEU

Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the Science of Reading and the theoretical models aligned with the Science of Reading. Presented by Shaiya Badgley and Paulina Jarrett, literacy specialists from the Indiana Department of Education Literacy Center.

Date Recorded: 9/18/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Paulina Jarrett, Literacy Specialist, IDOE & Shaiya Badgley, Literacy Specialist, IDOE

Resources: IDOE SoR Presentation slides

Supplementing Science of Reading from the Library & TeachingBooks – 1 LEU

Learn how to discover exceptional texts to support and supplement science of reading instruction. While underscoring phonics, phonological awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension, Indiana residents can now use the Indiana State Library INSPIRE-licensed TeachingBooks to identify popular picture books by more than a dozen phonics and phonetical awareness classifications (vowel and consonant sounds, alliteration, rhyming, and more). Additionally, you’ll have worksheets for each book to extend reading instruction in the library, home, or classroom.

Date Recorded: 8/21/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Kym Davick and Mary Ellen Graf, TeachingBooks

Indiana Educational Scholarship Accounts – 1 LEU

Indiana Educational Scholarship Accounts – How INESA helps hundreds of Hoosier families fund a unique education for their child with intellectual disabilities. Sam Gilmore and PJ Vaught, representing the Treasurer of the State’s office, share information about how to enroll your child and where to find a list of ESA providers.

Date Recorded: 03/28/24

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Sam Gilmore and PJ Vaught, Treasurer of the State’s Office

Resources: INESA 2024_2025 Presentation


Using Table Top Role-Playing Games to teach, from pre-K to adult learning – 1 LEU

image for logo for table top role playing games ttrpg kidsTabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) are an immersive tool to help students engage with and experience curriculum material in an enjoyable way while also practicing key social emotional and problem-solving skills.  Join Steph Campbell, an engineering professor, a TTRPG writer, and owner/writer for TTRPGkids as they share their experiences from both pre-K and college level applied TTRPG experience.

Presenter Steph Campbell is the owner and writer for TTRPGkids.com.  As well as the co-founder of Tattered Bear.  And is an Adjunct Professor of Engineering, Lawrence Technological University


Date Recorded: 7/19/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Steph Campbell, Owner and writer / TRPGkids.com



Certification and LEUs: Getting and Staying Certified

This webinar presents a comprehensive overview of the Indiana public librarian certification process, including who needs to be certified, how to apply, and what do to if you don’t yet meet the qualifications. We’ll also cover the certification rule changes that took effect January 1, 2023. Once you have your certificate, you’ll need to stay certified. Learn all about LEU requirements, where to find approved training, and how to document your attendance. This program is approved for 1 LEU. To receive LEU credit, follow the archived webinar documentation instructions at the bottom of the LEU Policies page: https://continuinged.isl.in.gov/certification/policies-on-leus/

Date Recorded: 6/20/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Rose Shingledecker, Certification Program Director/Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

Bendable & St. Joe County Public Library – 1 LEU

image of letter BLibraries give their communities access to amazing online resources with enormous potential to improve lives and build skills, but these databases and digital courses are a challenge to promote and often underutilized. The St. Joe County Public Library has had success with Bendable, a life long learning platform that pairs online learning with in person connections. Community engagement and outreach are at the heart of our strategy, and we work directly with community members, organizations, and businesses to curate learning opportunities. These strategies focus on workforce development and partner networks. This webinar will provide an introduction to Bendable and also explore strategies for learning-centered engagement and outreach that can be implemented by any library.

Presenter Jennifer Henecke began working at the St. Joe County Public Library in 2018 in the Communications Department. She received her Master of Library Science in 2021 and currently serves as the Library’s Chief Engagement Officer. She loves working at the Library because it is the place where everyone truly belongs and you can find people from all backgrounds sharing the same space. She also loves fixing up historic homes and will drive hundreds of miles for good vegan food.


Date Recorded: 6/28/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jennifer Henecke, Chief Engagement Officer / St. Joe County Public Library