Tag Archives: Education

Get INSPIRED: Top INSPIRE Databases for Assisting Students – 1 LEU

Join Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant at the Indiana State Library, as she highlights several INSPIRE databases that will be useful for those who serve students and who assist with homework assignments.

Date Recorded: 9/8/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Beth Yates / Indiana State Library



The Firefly Award and Early Literacy Standards – A Perfect Match! – 1 LEU


The Indiana Early Literacy Firefly Award is terrific, not only because it introduces parents and children ages 0-5 to high quality picture books perfect for the youngest among us, but also because it can easily be applied to early literacy standards like those developed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. NAEYC is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research. Join NAEYC member and Indianapolis Wayne Township preschool evaluation teacher, Jeanne Baldwin, to learn more about NAEYC’s early literacy standards, including information about duel language learners. We will also discuss how the Firefly books and programs can support the NAEYC standards. Suzanne Walker, Firefly Chair and Indiana Young Readers Center Librarian will facilitate a discussion throughout the event. 1hr / 1 LEU.

About Jeanne: Jeanne Baldwin works at Wayne Township Preschool in Indianapolis. She has degrees in Early Childhood and Special Education. She has worked in early childhood settings for 25 years, including public and private schools, Head Start, First Steps, and childcare ministries, working directly with young children and providing education and training for teachers and caregivers. Jeanne works as a member of the Indiana Early Literacy Firefly Award committee. She is a member of the Central Indiana First Steps planning council, the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Council for Exceptional Children, and is currently reviewing proposals for the Division of Early Childhood’s national conference.

About Suzanne: Suzanne Walker received her Masters of Library Science from Indiana University. She is currently the Indiana Young Readers Center Librarian and Director of the Indiana Center for the Book, an affiliate of the Library of Congress. She coordinates Indiana’s Letters About Literature competition annually. Suzanne judged the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards in 2013 and 2014 and the Indiana Poetry Out Loud competition in 2017. Most recently she was a judge for the 2020 Indiana Authors Awards and the 2021 Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award. She has presented numerous times at Indiana Library Federation’s District conferences, annual conferences, and youth conferences.

Date Recorded: 6/8/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Jeanne Baldwin / Wayne Township Preschool in Indianapolis and Suzanne Walker / Indiana State Library, Indiana Young Readers Center and Director of the Indiana Center for the Book



EBSCO eBooks and the EBSCO App – 1 LEU

Learn about the new EBSCO eBook collections for school and public libraries. There will also be a demonstration of the EBSCO app so that you can install the app on your mobile device and begin using it to search INSPIRE on the go.

Date Recorded:  04/14/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Kara Cleveland, Professional Development Office Supervisor, Indiana State Library

TeachingBooks/Book Connections: Booklists and Collection Analysis Tools – 1 LEU

Teaching Books Book Connections logoJoin trainers from TeachingBooks/Book Connections to learn more about the customizable tools available on Book Connections that support your collection development and patron engagement. Discover features to help analyze and generate reports that provide data insights into the genre, cultural, and curricular classifications represented in your collections. Book Connections, a children’s and young adult literacy resource, is licensed by INSPIRE, a Service of the Indiana State Library for all Indiana residents.

Date Recorded: 4/12/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Alyssa Yokota-Bryon, M.Ed., Implementation & Training Specialist and Kym Davick, Director of Implementation & Educational Support / TeachingBooks/Book Connections

TeachingBooks for Teachers – 1 LEU

TeachingBooks for Teachers logoWhether you’re new to TeachingBooks or it is your go-to database for book and author resources, we are constantly evolving and would love to share both staple and new tools with you. In this webinar, we will highlight top TeachingBooks features that teachers find useful for in-class instruction as well as guiding student-paced learning. Discover ready-to-use lessons and activities, engaging resources like book trailers and other contactless book previewing tools, and more.

Date Recorded: 1/21/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Alyssa Yokota-Bryon, M.Ed., Implementation & Training Specialist  and Kym Davick, Director of Implementation & Educational Support / TeachingBooks


Introduction to INSPIRE – 1 LEU

INSPIRE logo lifelong learning library for HoosiersMillions of articles, hundreds of government websites, and countless catalog records are all available to you through the INSPIRE Virtual Online Library.  You will learn search tips, discover unique collections, and explore a valuable, reliable tool available to all Hoosiers.

Date Recorded: 1/13/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Paula Newcom / Indiana State Library


Supporting Homeschool Families – 1 LEU

mother and daughter in front of laptopIn addition to the families that already homeschool in your community, others are considering this path to stay home and educate their children in response to COVID-19 as a health precaution or in anticipation of guidelines provided by local school districts. Libraries are able to support parents and caregivers with learning at home as they face challenges new to them.

Date Recorded: 9/3/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Suzanne Walker / Indiana State Library and Shelby Peak / Indianapolis Public Library


Quick Play Gaming for Teen Outreach – 1 LEU

Teen patrons in every community live lives that are more and more hectic with little spare time and sometimes shrinking awareness of libraries and what they have to offer. It is sometimes the case that to engage them the best thing to do is to go where they are. In the community of Hagerstown, IN, a significant part of that has been accomplished by going into the high school and with the development of a program called the Quick Play Game Club. The program began over three years ago, originally as an International Gaming Day event that was highly successful, working in partnership with the school.

This webinar will cover how the game club began, the process of working with the school staff and finding a place in that very set daily schedule and how it has evolved into a twice monthly outreach program, the games used and the tips and rules that have made it fun for everyone.

Date Recorded: 1/29/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Jennifer Taylor / Hagerstown Public Library, Outreach

Resources from webinar:

Staff Development Day – 1 LEU

image of people and laptopsAs part of the regular routine in public libraries, we plan/attend staff meetings. As a way to step it up a notch, why not plan a quarterly Staff Development Day for all of your library team. When your crew comes together in a relaxed environment, ideas and creativity can flourish! Plan to attend this webinar to get the Who? What? Why? and How?

Date Recorded: 7/16/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Tina Snyder / Director of the Hancock County Public Library (Hawesville, Kentucky)

Resource from webinar: