Material challenges are at an all-time high and public libraries are facing pressure from multiple avenues. The Allen County Public Library recently undertook an effort to train our staff (17 departments in 14 locations) in handling challenges to materials. This presentation is a chance to learn how we did this and what we learned from it.
Date Recorded: 7/10/2024
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Matthew Etzel, Collection Services Manager and Tonya Frandle, Public Services Manager / Allen County Public Library
Leadership training has traditionally been reserved for those in formal management and administrator positions, but there is a wealth of research that shows the benefits of providing this training to employees at all levels. Organizations that invest in leadership training draw talented employees and are better positioned to withstand crises. Professionals who attend workshops and trainings report greater opportunities for personal and professional growth and increased satisfaction at work. In this talk intended for library staff of all levels, I will address the benefits of attending leadership training, such as improved communication, increased community impact, and greater work culture of care and support. You will hear concrete strategies of growing your skillset and finding leadership opportunities and have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss ideas.
Date Recorded: 5/3/2023
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Jenni Burke, Science Librarian / Butler University
Get an inside view of how and why a public library transitioned from an insurance incentive that targeted those who failed screening benchmarks to a wellness incentive that treats health as holistic. Come learn about the research behind incentives and see how one program evolved. Presenters will detail inclusive and holistic features, ask attendees to personalize ideas for their own institutions, and break wellness activities into pieces that can be applied with or without an insurance discount.
Date recorded: 5/8/24
Format: Archived YouTube video
Presenters: Faith Brautigam, Library Director and Christie Tate, Head of Human Resources and Volunteers / Kokomo – Howard County Public Library
In our everyday work, we focus much of our time and energy on patron services, ways to improve these services, and innovative ways to support our patrons and communities. Yet, we regularly neglect one significantly underserved population – ourselves. Specifically, the mental health needs of librarians and library workers. These needs, alongside support, are rarely addressed in conference presentations or continuing education programs. This webinar will discuss practical and meaningful approaches for librarians and library workers to manage emotional labor, triggering service experiences, and compassion fatigue, preventing burnout or furthering of mental health issues. Additionally, this webinar will offer ways in which management and colleagues can compassionately and respectfully support those who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
Date Recorded: 04/24/2024
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Abigail Phillips, Assistant Professor – School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) – Dungeons & Dragons being the most popular example – can positively impact the multiple facets of students’ lives: academics, durable skills, social-emotional learning. In Part One of our two part series, let’s quest together as we encounter how research supports using TTRPGs in education, explore stories of teachers using TTRPGs in their classrooms, and discover ideas and ways that librarians and the library can play a critical role in making such transformative game-based learning a success.
Before the webinar begins, please complete Slides 3-5 of the “Character Sheet Reflection Tool” (i.e. “Before the Quest”). We will complete the second half (“At the End of the Quest”) of the Reflection Tool at the end of the webinar.
ADAM WATSON (@watsonedtech) has been a Kentucky educator since 2005, starting out as a high school English teacher and became National Board Certified in 2013. In 2014, he was hired at Shelby County Public Schools to be its district Digital Learning Coordinator, where he was a leader in several initiatives, including a 1:1 Chromebook implementation and the launch of Shelby’s Profile of a Graduate. In his role at Shelby, Adam also was the lead liaison for the district’s librarians. In 2022, he joined the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative (OVEC) as a Deeper Learning Design Specialist. Adam is a frequent presenter, PD facilitator, and published writer on innovative education, particularly on the topics of edtech and game-based learning. In 2019, KySTE (the state chapter of the International Society for Technology in Education) named him the Outstanding Leader of the Year. For more on Adam’s educational journey, please visit
Date Recorded: 5/8/2024
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Adam Watson, Digital Learning Coordinator / Shelby County Public Schools
Playing board games can be a wonderful way to pass your time, but they can also be an engaging method of complementing traditional learning techniques. These games can be existing commercial or freely available games, as well as games developed specifically for a particular class. This webinar will focus on university education and how games can help teach concepts and theories that students discuss during lectures, as well as how game-based project work can help students to build research skills.
Date Recorded: 2/21/2024
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Dr. Pijus Krūminas, Associate Professor / ISM University of Management and Economics
Over the last decade many areas in the state of Indiana have paid increasing attention to individuals living with dementia, primarily due to the rapid growth of the elderly population. Thrive Alliance and Bartholomew County Public Library have formed a partnership to work with individuals that are experiencing memory issues. This partnership has included working with music, delivering educational programs to the community at large and to the staff at the library, circulating kits targeting this population, and many more services. Come learn about how Thrive Alliance and Bartholomew Public Library evaluated and implemented these services.
Date Recorded: 1/11/2023
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Sue Lamborn / Thrive Alliance and Sandy Allman / Bartholomew County Public Library
This webinar presents a comprehensive overview of the Indiana public librarian certification process, including who needs to be certified, how to apply, and what do to if you don’t yet meet the qualifications. We’ll also cover the certification rule changes that took effect January 1, 2023. Once you have your certificate, you’ll need to stay certified. Learn all about LEU requirements, where to find approved training, and how to document your attendance. This program is approved for 1 LEU. To receive LEU credit, follow the archived webinar documentation instructions at the bottom of the LEU Policies page:
Date Recorded: 6/20/2023
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Rose Shingledecker, Certification Program Director/Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library
An overview of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program and the Temporary Waiver and how you might be able to have your student debt gone sooner rather than later. This webinar will include information about both of these programs, the current landscape of student loans, and a variety of resources.