Tag Archives: Programming

Nature Play Days at our Local Libraries – 1 LEU

ICAN logo tree shaped as a heartJoin Indiana Children and Nature Network (ICAN) to explore nature play possibilities at your library! Learn what ICAN Nature Play Days are, who can host one (YOUR LIBRARY!), how to organize and plan a nature play day, nature play activity and book ideas, tips on connecting with partners and sponsors, and practical experiences from nature play day hosts. ICAN Nature Play Days are June 1st-9th in 2024.

Presenter: Dr. Carla Gull volunteers as the state coordinator of Indiana Children and Nature Network and is on her local library board. She is the coordinator of and associate professor in the master of arts in environmental education at Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College. She is coauthor of the book, Loose Parts Learning in K-3 Classrooms, and hosts the podcast, Loose Parts Nature Play.

Date Recorded: 3/13/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Dr. Carla Gull / State Coordinator of Indiana Children and Nature Network & Professor at Goshen College



Free & Low Cost Programming for Youth – 1 LEU

image of three happy children two boys and one girlLearn about free and low cost programming for youth in this webinar, led by a library programmer! We will talk about things you can do on the fly and programs you can plan for next to nothing out of your library budget. We will cover all ages from birth to 18.

Date Recorded: 2/29/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Bambi Pea / Indianapolis Public Library



2024 Add TeachingBooks to Your Summer Reading Plan – 1 LEU

image of Teaching books logo open bookBuild excitement about summer reading! Join us for a look at summer reading lists and programming ideas. Inspire independent reading with TeachingBooks resources that let the books and their authors speak for themselves. TeachingBooks is provided to all Indiana schools, public libraries, universities and residents through INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library.

Date Recorded: 2/1/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: TeachingBooks staff


Getting READy to Build Better School Partnerships – 1 LEU

SB Ready logo two children reading on and beside the words SB ReadyStrong school-library partnerships are vital for students in our communities. In 2022, the St. Joe County Public Library designed the SB READy program, which provided 16 schools, 57 classes, and more than 950 Kindergarteners with library cards, field trips and outreach storytimes. In this session, learn how to build comprehensive school partnership plans, pitch ideas to school and library administrators, gain teacher and library staff buy-in, and make the magic happen!

Emily Lovell is the Early Literacy Librarian at the St. Joe County Public Library. With a background in Elementary Education, she has worked with children in school and library settings over the past five years. She holds an MLIS from Wayne State University and a BS in Elementary Education from Central Michigan University. She is passionate about providing young patrons and their caregivers with programs, resources, and services that foster a love of reading from an early age.

Date Recorded: 1/25/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Emily Lovell, Early Literacy Librarian / Saint Joseph County Public Library



Creative Aging and Lifelong Arts Indiana – 1 LEU

Stephanie Haines, from the Indiana Arts Commission, talks about the Lifelong Arts Indiana a program that teaches the benefits and practices of “Creative Aging.” Creative Aging is the purposeful development of creative experiences to benefit older adults, often in partnership with a local artist. Libraries have a meaningful connection with older adults in their community and the Indiana Arts Commission would like to provide library staff with the tools and funding needed to implement meaningful Creative Aging programs. Check out this great example of a strong creative aging program at a library from our friends at the Delaware Arts Commission https://youtu.be/N-WXvIaKyFw?feature=shared Indiana Arts Commission is offering up to 35 libraries across the state a Lifelong Arts Early Action Grant which will fund a sequential arts-learning experience for a group of older adults in their community. Grants will be for up to $5,000 and will be led by a qualified artist.

Date Recorded: 1/10/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Stephanie Haines, Arts Education and Accessibility Program Manager, Indiana Arts Commission


Sign up here: Lifelong Arts Creative Aging learning & funding sign up https://forms.office.com/g/Vh6H819GGW

Deadline February 26, 2024 4pmET

Contact info for Roberta Wong





CSLP 2024: Adventure Begins at Your Library – 1 LEU

image adventure begins at your library logoGet started planning your 2024 Summer Library Program by this VIRTUAL Collaborative Summer Library Program training! Join Beth Yates of the Indiana State Library for this training where you will receive updates about and resources for the 2024 CSLP Summer Reading Program “Adventure Begins at Your Library.”

Date Recorded: 1/9/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Beth Yates, Chidren’s Consultant / Indiana State Library



The Bridge – Noble County Public Library’s Makerspace – 1 LEU

image of the bridge imagine explore manufactureFind out how The Bridge Makerspace evolved at the Noble County Public Library.


Date Recorded: 11/8/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Derrick Leatherman, IT Services Manager and Austin Smith, Technology Coordinator / Noble County Public Library


  • Bridge Checkout form pdf
  • Glowforge setting sheet link (as of 12-2023)
  • Prices for materials (as of 12-2023)
  • Software mentioned – Blender / Canva / Pinshaper / Thingiverse / Tinkercad / Silhouette Studio
  • The Bridge machines mentioned – Cameo / Epson Eco Tank / Form 2 / Heat Press / Plotter Printer / Resin Printer / Toner Printer (white) / X-Carve (no longer in The Bridge)


Inspiring Library Growth Through Outreach – 1 LEU

image of the floyd county library logoEmbracing the old saying “the more you know, the more you grow” holds true for Libraries, but with just a little adjusting, “the more you are known, the more you’ll grow.” Expanding outreach allows the community to know and acknowledge the Library as a thriving community service.  Using this idea the Floyd County Library Director Melissa Merida will share their library’s expansion of services over the last 5 years through creating unique service locations including an art museum, a digital library branch, and a satellite library in a local college library. Their approach through a low cost commitment to deliver creative outreach points of service without a bookmobile will be highlighted and tools for successful events will be shared .  “Our growth in branches, funding and services is not due to any one thing, it is due to staff being committed to dream big and finding a way to say “yes” to community events and partnerships.” Allowing people to SEE the Library in new and unique ways that has people asking for library locations in their neighborhoods.  The ideas that will be shared can be duplicated or may inspire your own creativity.

Date Recorded: 4/12/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Melissa Merida, Library Director / Floyd County Public Library


Using Table Top Role-Playing Games to teach, from pre-K to adult learning – 1 LEU

image for logo for table top role playing games ttrpg kidsTabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) are an immersive tool to help students engage with and experience curriculum material in an enjoyable way while also practicing key social emotional and problem-solving skills.  Join Steph Campbell, an engineering professor, a TTRPG writer, and owner/writer for TTRPGkids as they share their experiences from both pre-K and college level applied TTRPG experience.

Presenter Steph Campbell is the owner and writer for TTRPGkids.com.  As well as the co-founder of Tattered Bear.  And is an Adjunct Professor of Engineering, Lawrence Technological University


Date Recorded: 7/19/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Steph Campbell, Owner and writer / TRPGkids.com



Bendable & St. Joe County Public Library – 1 LEU

image of letter BLibraries give their communities access to amazing online resources with enormous potential to improve lives and build skills, but these databases and digital courses are a challenge to promote and often underutilized. The St. Joe County Public Library has had success with Bendable, a life long learning platform that pairs online learning with in person connections. Community engagement and outreach are at the heart of our strategy, and we work directly with community members, organizations, and businesses to curate learning opportunities. These strategies focus on workforce development and partner networks. This webinar will provide an introduction to Bendable and also explore strategies for learning-centered engagement and outreach that can be implemented by any library.

Presenter Jennifer Henecke began working at the St. Joe County Public Library in 2018 in the Communications Department. She received her Master of Library Science in 2021 and currently serves as the Library’s Chief Engagement Officer. She loves working at the Library because it is the place where everyone truly belongs and you can find people from all backgrounds sharing the same space. She also loves fixing up historic homes and will drive hundreds of miles for good vegan food.


Date Recorded: 6/28/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jennifer Henecke, Chief Engagement Officer / St. Joe County Public Library