Tag Archives: Programming

Graphic Arts and the Reading Experience – An Evening with Nate Powell – 1 LEU

Nate Powell Library of Congress Center for the Book Indiana AffiliateThe Indiana Center for the Book at the Indiana State Library and the Arkansas Center for the Book at the Arkansas State Library partnered to present a program featuring Nate Powell on the theme “The Graphic Arts and the Reading Experience.” This program focuses on the use of comics/graphical arts to communicate as a mass medium as well as how a graphic writer envisions, creates and curates the reading experience. Teen as well as adult librarians will enjoy hearing from Nate.

Date Recorded: 2/17/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Nate Powell is the first cartoonist ever to win the National Book Award. He is from Little Rock, Arkansas and lives in Bloomington, Indiana. Powell’s work has also received a Robert F. Kennedy Book Award, three Eisner Awards, two Ignatz Awards, four YALSA Great Graphic Novels for Teens selections and two Los Angeles Times Book Prize finalist selections.


Material and Program Challenges in the Public Library – 1 LEU

books on book shelvesIn this panel, four librarians will share their experience with a variety of challenges. Book, display, and program challenges, as well as experience with book banning groups will be discussed. Cheri Harris, from the Indiana State Library, will also go over a summary of key legal points to remember when dealing with challenges.

Date Recorded: 3/31/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Cheri Harris / Indiana State Library; Vanessa Martin / Greensburg-Decatur County Contractual Public Library; Heather McNabb / Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library; Brad Sowinski / Alexandria Monroe Public Library; Juli Wald / Middlebury Public Library


Implementing the Indiana Early Literacy Firefly Award @ Your Library – 1 LEU

Firefly award logo talking singing reading writing playing indiana early literacyThe Indiana Early Literacy Firefly Award brings together young children and great picture books, but it can’t be done without public libraries. Learn about the award and how one Indiana library implements the program each year. Updates to the program and an overview of the annual program guide will also be covered.

Speaker, Amy Caswell has worn hats in the library world since 2012. She earned her MLS degree from IUPUI in 2015, and since has focused exclusively working in Youth Services. She currently is a Children’s Librarian at the Downtown Library of Monroe County Public Library where she enjoys hosting a weekly Preschool Storytime, among other programs. She loves the controlled chaos of working with children. Amy is currently going through the Project READY training, which she highly recommends to any and all library folks.

Date Recorded: 5/9/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Amy Caswell, Children’s Librarian / Monroe County Public Library


Storytime Basics – 1 LEU

young woman reading a story to four childrenAre you new to doing storytime? Join Beth Yates, ISL Children’s Consultant, as she walks you through the whys and hows of storytime for birth through preschool-aged children. What should you consider? How do you select books? Where can you find ideas? The content of this webinar is focused on new storytime providers. *Please note that the audience discussion at the end was not recorded.*

Date Recorded: 4/19/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant / Indiana State Library



Building Community Engagement and Awareness Through Little Free Library – 1 LEU

You may be familiar with Little Free Library. Those cute boxes that look like oversized bird houses. But they are more than just cute. Join us to learn how to use this low cost, community engagement platform to support your outreach goals. Presenters:

This webinar is eligible for Library Education Units for Indiana Librarians. The following policy applies: Any time a staff member views an online event (or a library purchases a site license for an online event) by any of the Training Providers Approved by ISL for LEUs, the library’s designee in an administrative or Human Resources role shall create and award LEU certificates in-house.

Date Recorded: 2/24/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Greig Metzger, Executive Director / Little Free Library and Joanna Sproull / Community Liaison / Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library


Be the Hero! Tween and Teen Live Action Roleplaying (LARPing) Games – 1 LEU

Brooke Windsor

Secure big numbers of tweens or teens with a real-life video game where they are the heroes! Live Action Roleplaying (LARPing) games allow for a unique opportunity that youth can’t get anywhere else. Get an in-depth look at this revolutionary event type and even create a mini version of the game on the spot.

Date Recorded: 1/26/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Brooke Windsor (she/her/hers), Teen Services Librarian / Stratford Public Library



CSLP 2022: Oceans of Possibilities – 1 LEU

CSLP 2022 oceans of possibilities logo with person in kayakGet started planning your 2022 Summer Library Program by this VIRTUAL Collaborative Summer Library Program training!  Join Beth Yates of the Indiana State Library for this training where you will be introduced to and receive updates about the 2022 CSLP Summer Reading Program “Oceans of Possibilities.”

Date Recorded: 12/9/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Beth Yates / Indiana State Library



Gameschooling: Using Board Games in the Classroom – 1 LEU

gameboard with dice and plastic ducksBoard games are fun for children of all ages, but they are also promising tools for education. How can we best practically incorporate them into K-12 classrooms in order to optimize learning? As a former neurobiologist who transitioned to teaching, I have experimented for the past seven years with the integration of board games as educational tools. Here I will discuss best practices for using board games effectively to teach content knowledge, focusing primarily on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Topics covered will include gamer motivations, fun yet educational game mechanics, lesson plan structures, roles of educators in scaffolded learning, and common mistakes I have discovered in the “gameschooling” process. I will also show preliminary evidence that board games can effectively improve content knowledge. Overall, I hope to show how  popular modern board games could be utilized in educational arenas.

Date Recorded: 10/27/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Catherine Croft, Ph.D. / Co-Founder & CEO, Catlilli Games



Where Do We Go From Here – 1 LEU

Are you worried about getting children and teens back into the library post-COVID? You aren’t alone! A community-based approach will help you expand your reach to patrons new and old, so in this webinar we’ll talk about Community Asset Mapping, a strategy that will help you discover and develop new partnerships.

Date Recorded: 10/19/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant / Indiana State Library and Christy Franzman, Teen Coordinator / Hamilton East Public Library
