Tag Archives: Academic Libraries

Using Newspapers in Your Research – 1 LEU

a stack of newspapersIn this program, we will explore how to use newspapers more effectively to research family history.  Using newspaper columns, obituaries, death notices, and articles, you can better piece together family ties during times when other types of records did not exist. Newspaper digitization is a new technology that we will discuss, as well. The Indiana State Library has the world’s largest collection of Indiana newspapers. If you would like to find out how to utilize this vast collection to help with your research, plan to attend this webinar.

Date Recorded: 10/17/2017

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Leigh Anne Johnson / Indiana State Library

Additional Resources: 

Fake News – 1 LEU


Image of text that says Fake NewsWhat makes fake news fake? As a society, we have been bombarded with the idea that the news we consume every day is fabricated, but the truth is far more complicated than that. Join Indiana University East librarian KT Lowe as she discusses the identifiable traits of fake news, offers tips on how to tackle fake news claims and demonstrates what makes real news real.

Date Recorded: 3/1/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: KT Lowe / Indiana University East

Jumping Ship from Public to Academic – 1 LEU


image of paper boats in different colors

Are you curious about academic librarianship? Are you a public librarian who is considering switching? While there can be many reasons you might consider switching to academia, join us for this webinar where Courtney Block will talk about her journey. She will discuss the differences and similarities between public and academic libraries, the surprising aspects of academia, the benefits of academic librarianship, and the struggles that she’s encountered during this transition. If you are curious about the implications of switching your career focus, come and join us to get your questions and concerns answered..

Date Recorded: 8/1/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Slides in Prezi Format

Presenter: Courtney Block / Indiana University Southeast

Indiana Archives and Records Administration: Retention of Records – 1 LEU

an image of archived materials on shelvesJim Corridan, commissioner for Indiana Archives and Records Administration, presents on records retention and the tasks of archives and records administration.

Date Recorded: 6/6/2017

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jim Corridan, Indiana Archives and Records Administration