Tag Archives: Administration

Moving Beyond Avoidance Conflict Resolution for Beginners – 1 LEU

image of four people fist bumpingThis session will focus on an overview of recognizing what causes conflict in the workplace, understanding our responses to conflict, and strategies for better conflict resolution. This is a high-level view of conflict resolution but participants should leave with a few solid, actionable strategies for dealing with conflict in their workplace. There will also be time to practice some of these strategies.

Date Recorded: 6/12/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Beka Lemons, Library Director / Huntington City Township Public Library



Employee Wellness Incentive: Corrective to Inclusive – 1 LEU

Get an inside view of how and why a public library transitioned from an insurance incentive that targeted those who failed screening benchmarks to a wellness incentive that treats health as holistic. Come learn about the research behind incentives and see how one program evolved. Presenters will detail inclusive and holistic features, ask attendees to personalize ideas for their own institutions, and break wellness activities into pieces that can be applied with or without an insurance discount.

Date recorded:  5/8/24

Format: Archived YouTube video

Presenters: Faith Brautigam, Library Director and Christie Tate, Head of Human Resources and Volunteers / Kokomo – Howard County Public Library

Navigating Privacy Issues in the Public Library – 1 LEU

This webinar presents privacy as a library value, privacy as a legal concept, and common questions that come up in public libraries. The presenter addresses various scenarios and the policies that you need to have in place in regards to privacy issues – law enforcement requests, privacy and customer service, personnel files, children and privacy.

Date Recorded: 12/13/2023

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Rose Shingledecker, Certifcation Director and Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

Resources: Privacy Webinar Slides Handout 


Anatomy of a Book Challenge – 1 LEU

image of chained phone computer and book As the pressure to remove and censor books from our libraries increases, librarians have to be prepared to defend everyone’s right to read. Learn how one school corporation has dealt with several recent challenges to their school library collections and has been able to educate their staff and community on the tenants of intellectual freedom. While challenges can be stressful situations, the presentation will offer you several tools, resources and guidance to help you find some unintended positive outcomes when these contentious situations find their way to your library.

Date Recorded: 1/24/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Tara White, Director of College and Career Readiness / New Prairie United School Corporation



You may have heard we had a fire … Eckhart Public Library – 1 LEU

image of #Eckhart strong we carry on after the fireRebuilding and serving after catastrophic events at the Eckhart Public Library in 2017.


Date Recorded: 9/13/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: From the Eckhart Public Library – Jamie Long, Marketing & Community Engagement Manager / Alan Sweeny, IT Manager / Angie Mapes Turner, President of Eckhart Library Foundation / Jenny Kobiela-Mondor, Library Strategist at Midwest Collaborative Library Services & former Assistant Director at Eckhart Public Library



Writing Policy Without Worry – 1 LEU

image of woman writing in notebook outsideGood policies are an essential part of library operations.  They help to create and enforce expectations and rules as well as serving as a guiding framework for decision making.  Unfortunately, writing policies can sometimes be very stressful and time consuming.  In this session, we will go over the basics of writing policies and learn tips and tricks to making them as painless as possible.  We will also talk about how we can ensure that our policies are fair and equitable.  We will have hands-on practice with writing a simple policy.   

Date Recorded: 8/30/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Beka Lemons, Library Director / Huntington City Township Public Library



Dementia Friendly Community Collaborations: Thrive Alliance and Bartholomew County Public Library – 1 LEU

image of brain with missing piece and elderly man with a caneOver the last decade many areas in the state of Indiana have paid increasing attention to individuals living with dementia, primarily due to the rapid growth of the elderly population. Thrive Alliance and Bartholomew County Public Library have formed a partnership to work with individuals that are experiencing memory issues. This partnership has included working with music, delivering educational programs to the community at large and to the staff at the library, circulating kits targeting this population, and many more services. Come learn about how Thrive Alliance and Bartholomew Public Library evaluated and implemented these services.

Date Recorded: 1/11/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Sue Lamborn / Thrive Alliance and Sandy Allman / Bartholomew County Public Library


Grants for Public Libraries – 1 LEU

While every library is unique, they all seem to share one thing in common: they could use more money! Grants might be the just thing to help buy technology for STEM programming or get a new service initiative off the ground. But applying for grants can be overwhelming – and that’s assuming you can even find one for which you qualify. This webinar aims to give you tools to make the grant process a bit more navigable. We’ll discuss the places to search, as well as provide tips for putting your best foot forward when it comes time to submit your proposal.

Date Recorded: 9/12/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Angela Fox, LSTA and Public Library Consultant / Indiana State Library



Certification and LEUs: Getting and Staying Certified

This webinar presents a comprehensive overview of the Indiana public librarian certification process, including who needs to be certified, how to apply, and what do to if you don’t yet meet the qualifications. We’ll also cover the certification rule changes that took effect January 1, 2023. Once you have your certificate, you’ll need to stay certified. Learn all about LEU requirements, where to find approved training, and how to document your attendance. This program is approved for 1 LEU. To receive LEU credit, follow the archived webinar documentation instructions at the bottom of the LEU Policies page: https://continuinged.isl.in.gov/certification/policies-on-leus/

Date Recorded: 6/20/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Rose Shingledecker, Certification Program Director/Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

How Do I Count This in 2022? – 1 LEU

image of jumbled numbersThe programming section on the Indiana Public Library Annual Report has always been a bit tricky to navigate – even before recent years saw the addition of virtual programming to the mix. In this webinar, we’ll focus on how to determine if something is considered a program, what statistics to track, and how to break them down for the report. We’ll also address common questions related to programming section and preview the (relatively minor) changes coming in the 2022 report.

Date Recorded: 11/30/2022

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Anglea Fox, Public  Library Services and LSTA Consultant / Indiana State Library
