Tag Archives: Reference/Research

Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom – 1 LEU

The Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom project, made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (RE-13-19-0021-19), facilitated librarian-instructor partnerships to integrate information-rich student projects into disciplinary classrooms. The project was a partnership between librarians at Purdue University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the University of Arizona. Over the course of 4 weekly online sessions, the project team trained 15 librarian-instructor teams (5 from each university) to use an information literacy framework called Informed Learning Design to design student projects that enable students to use information in new ways to learn in their courses.

In this 60-minute webinar, members of the project team will:

  • Describe the informed learning design framework and how it shaped the 4-week online curriculum
  • Present preliminary data and results from a research study about how instructors and librarians experienced using the informed learning framework
  • Describe the multi-institution partnership and how we worked together to develop and facilitate the CILC program
  • Share our experiences, insights, and lessons learned about developing an information literacy program for librarians and instructors

Date Recorded: 5/10/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Clarence Maybee, W. Wayne Booker Chair in Information Literacy; Rachel Fondator, Information Literacy Instructional Designer; Amity Saha, Graduate Assistant / All presenters are from Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies


What’s Up Wednesday – Get INSPIRED: Access Indiana and a Review of INSPIRE Resources and Search Strategies – 1 LEU

INSPIRE logo lifelong learning library for HoosiersPaula Newcom demonstrates how to sign up for an Access Indiana account and merge your EBSCO account and Access Indiana account into one combined account. Kara Cleveland shows the various access points one can use to start an EBSCO search along with different search strategies.

Date Recorded: 4/13/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Paula Newcom, Northeast Regional Coordinator, and Kara Cleveland, Professional Development Office Supervisor, Indiana State Library

Resource:  Access Indiana INSPIRE 4-13-2022


Get INSPIRED: Health and Medicine Resources – 1 LEU

logo for Indiana's INSPIRE databasesIn this webinar we will be exploring the various database options within INSPIRE for use with health or medicine research requests. Join us for an overview of the database and come with questions.

Date Recorded: 3/9/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  George Bergstrom / Indiana State Library



What’s Up Wednesday-Get INSPIRED: Live Demo/Q&A with Paula Newcom – 1 LEU

logo for Indiana's INSPIRE databasesINSPIRE is Indiana’s Virtual Online Library. INSPIRE is a collection of online academic databases and other information resources that can be accessed by Indiana residents. This will be an informal question and answer session about all things INSPIRE.

Date Recorded: 11/10/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Paula Newcom / Indiana State Library


Gobble Up Information at the Indiana State Library: An Overview of Our Public Services and Collections – 1 LEU

Join staff of the Indiana State Library to learn about how to use the historical collections, Talking Books, and the Young Readers Center. This program may benefit librarians looking for ways to assist their patrons or researchers wanting to know more about the Indiana State Library.

Date Recorded: 11/24/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Indiana State Library’s Public Services Librarians – Monique Howell, Jamie Dunn, Marcia Caudell, Victoria Duncan and Laura Williams

Get INSPIRED: Top INSPIRE Databases for Assisting Students – 1 LEU

Join Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant at the Indiana State Library, as she highlights several INSPIRE databases that will be useful for those who serve students and who assist with homework assignments.

Date Recorded: 9/8/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Beth Yates / Indiana State Library



How IARA Can Help Your Library: Indiana Archives & Records Administration – 1 LEU

Indiana Archives and Records Administration logoThis presentation will address how IARA’s resources can help and be utilized by your library.  IARA’s staff, Vicki Casteel and Amy Christiansen Janicki will discuss a variety of archives and record management topics.  Vicki will share how to direct your patrons to IARA’s most popular genealogy collections and locate records with the recently updated Digital Index.  Amy will discuss creating a records management program, understanding retention schedules, and how the County Commission of Public Records can help you.

Date Recorded: 7/28/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Vicki Casteel, Director of Patron and Outreach Services and Amy Christiansen Janicki, Records Management Liaison / Indiana Archives and Records Administration



Get INSPIRED – Live Demo/Q&A with Laura Jones – 1 LEU

INSPIRE logo lifelong learning library for HoosiersINSPIRE is Indiana’s Virtual Online Library.  INSPIRE is a collection of online academic databases and other information resources that can be accessed by Indiana residents.  This will be an informal question and answer session about all things INSPIRE.

Date Recorded: 8/11/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Laura Jones / Indiana State Library


Career Preparation with INSPIRE – 1 LEU

INSPIRE logo lifelong learning library for HoosiersINSPIRE is Indiana’s Virtual Online Library.  INSPIRE is a collection of online academic databases and other information resources that can be accessed by Indiana residents. This session will discuss the resources that will help patrons who are preparing for a new career, interviews, or exploring career paths. There will be an informal question and answer session about these resources.

Date Recorded: 7/14/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: George Bergstrom / Indiana State Library



My Favorite Tech Tools and Shortcuts for Busy Library Staff – 1 LEU


Keeping up with our busy work and personal lives can be a challenge! Technology exists to help make it a little easier, but how do you decide what to use?

In this session, I will share some of my favorite tech tools and shortcuts that help maintain healthy work habits, as well as some ideas on how we can connect with our communities virtually.

Bring some of your favorite tech tools or shortcuts to share and we’ll create a list of resources everyone will be able to access.  1hr / 1 TLEU.

Date Recorded: 2/17/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Pam Seabolt / Community Engagement Librarian with the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) –

Pam has served as Community Engagement Librarian with the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) since 2017. Through her role, Pam works with libraries across Indiana to present a variety of training opportunities.

Pam’s educational background includes a B.S. in Child Development and Family Studies with a minor in History and a M.L.S. from Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis.
