All posts by Paula Newcom

Facilitating a Discussion about Facilities – 1 LEU

facility manage blueprints laptop Are you a new library director? Do you find yourself with suddenly more responsibilities for your systems facilities? Join this panel of directors for a discussion about facilities management for libraries of all sizes and regions of Indiana.

Date Recorded: 1/27/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Nancy Disbro, Director / Andrews-Dallas Township Public Library | Winnie Logan, Director / New Castle Henry County Public Library | Scott Kinney, Director / Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library


TeachingBooks for Teachers – 1 LEU

TeachingBooks for Teachers logoWhether you’re new to TeachingBooks or it is your go-to database for book and author resources, we are constantly evolving and would love to share both staple and new tools with you. In this webinar, we will highlight top TeachingBooks features that teachers find useful for in-class instruction as well as guiding student-paced learning. Discover ready-to-use lessons and activities, engaging resources like book trailers and other contactless book previewing tools, and more.

Date Recorded: 1/21/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Alyssa Yokota-Bryon, M.Ed., Implementation & Training Specialist  and Kym Davick, Director of Implementation & Educational Support / TeachingBooks


Introduction to INSPIRE – 1 LEU

INSPIRE logo lifelong learning library for HoosiersMillions of articles, hundreds of government websites, and countless catalog records are all available to you through the INSPIRE Virtual Online Library.  You will learn search tips, discover unique collections, and explore a valuable, reliable tool available to all Hoosiers.

Date Recorded: 1/13/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Paula Newcom / Indiana State Library


Impacting Lives One Teen at a Time: What Directors Should Know – 1 LEU

teen girl reading book in a chairWhen teens walk into the library, does your staff view them as a problem or an opportunity? Libraries are positioned to have a huge impact on teen lives with just a little intentionality. This session will introduce directors (and anyone else interested) to the developmental needs of teens and the ways in which libraries can support teens in their communities by utilizing Connected Learning—yes, even during the pandemic! We’ll discuss what this looks like in the library setting and how to encourage staff to look at teens and teen programs in a different way.

Date Recorded: 12/22/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates, Indiana State Library / Christy Franzman, Hamilton East Public Library


It’s True – The Smartest Person in the Room is the Room – 1 LEU

We’ll investigate good places to network and ways to curate all the great resources you encounter. This will include a crowd-sourced AISLE document of resources, and tools such as Symbaloo, diigo, Google Keep, Wakelet, and more.

Date Recorded: 2/17/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Susie Highley served as a school librarian in Warren Township, Indianapolis. She currently serves as a trustee for the Fortville-Vernon Township Library in Hancock County, and was the 2019 ILF President. She now works for the Indiana Middle Level Education Association as Director of Operations.

We Are In This Together – Advocating for Libraries on the Local, State and National Level – 1 LEU

Join Julius Jefferson, ALA President, in a conversation about advocating for libraries from the local to the national level. He will explain the difference between grasstops and grassroots advocacy.

Date Recorded: 2/17/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Julius Jefferson, ALA President 2020-2021, Library of Congress

Services from the Indiana State Library – 1 LEU

Indiana State Library Great HallDid you know the Indiana State Library can provide you with FREE refurbished computers? What about FREE website hosting? Did you know you can check out tech kits, STEM kits, and VR kits to use in patron programming? Don’t know the difference between LDO, PDO, and Public Services? Join us for a brief overview of the ISL’s services and learn how we can support you and your library.

Date Recorded: 12/15/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Courtney Brown / Indiana State Library


History at Your Fingertips – 1 LEU

James Whitcomb Riley with childrenHoosier State Chronicles, Indiana’s statewide historical digital newspaper program, and Indiana Memory, a digital library containing materials from institutions across the state, are free resources from the Indiana State Library. This session will cover how researchers can use both collections, including search techniques, item descriptions, and application with other source repositories.
* Picture used in the thumbnail is James Whitcomb Riley with children from the Indiana State Library Digital Collections

Date Recorded: 11/25/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Justin Clark / Indiana Historical Bureau


Rainbow Reads: LGBTQIA+ Reader’s Advisory for Teens – 1 LEU

LGBTQIA+ Reader's Advisory for Teens logoJayne Walters of the Indianapolis Public Library presents a collection of broad and inclusive LGBTQIA+ titles for teen and tween readers. Books representing many identities and orientations are presented with an eye to presenting a fuller picture of the queer experience– and most importantly, toward the inclusion of multiple voices on each topic

Date Recorded: 10/27/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jayne Walters / West Indianapolis Branch Manager
