Category Archives: Admin/Management

Moving Beyond Avoidance Conflict Resolution for Beginners – 1 LEU

image of four people fist bumpingThis session will focus on an overview of recognizing what causes conflict in the workplace, understanding our responses to conflict, and strategies for better conflict resolution. This is a high-level view of conflict resolution but participants should leave with a few solid, actionable strategies for dealing with conflict in their workplace. There will also be time to practice some of these strategies.

Date Recorded: 6/12/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Beka Lemons, Library Director / Huntington City Township Public Library



Employee Wellness Incentive: Corrective to Inclusive – 1 LEU

Get an inside view of how and why a public library transitioned from an insurance incentive that targeted those who failed screening benchmarks to a wellness incentive that treats health as holistic. Come learn about the research behind incentives and see how one program evolved. Presenters will detail inclusive and holistic features, ask attendees to personalize ideas for their own institutions, and break wellness activities into pieces that can be applied with or without an insurance discount.

Date recorded:  5/8/24

Format: Archived YouTube video

Presenters: Faith Brautigam, Library Director and Christie Tate, Head of Human Resources and Volunteers / Kokomo – Howard County Public Library

Navigating Privacy Issues in the Public Library – 1 LEU

This webinar presents privacy as a library value, privacy as a legal concept, and common questions that come up in public libraries. The presenter addresses various scenarios and the policies that you need to have in place in regards to privacy issues – law enforcement requests, privacy and customer service, personnel files, children and privacy.

Date Recorded: 12/13/2023

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Rose Shingledecker, Certifcation Director and Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

Resources: Privacy Webinar Slides Handout 


Writing Policy Without Worry – 1 LEU

image of woman writing in notebook outsideGood policies are an essential part of library operations.  They help to create and enforce expectations and rules as well as serving as a guiding framework for decision making.  Unfortunately, writing policies can sometimes be very stressful and time consuming.  In this session, we will go over the basics of writing policies and learn tips and tricks to making them as painless as possible.  We will also talk about how we can ensure that our policies are fair and equitable.  We will have hands-on practice with writing a simple policy.   

Date Recorded: 8/30/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Beka Lemons, Library Director / Huntington City Township Public Library



Grants for Public Libraries – 1 LEU

While every library is unique, they all seem to share one thing in common: they could use more money! Grants might be the just thing to help buy technology for STEM programming or get a new service initiative off the ground. But applying for grants can be overwhelming – and that’s assuming you can even find one for which you qualify. This webinar aims to give you tools to make the grant process a bit more navigable. We’ll discuss the places to search, as well as provide tips for putting your best foot forward when it comes time to submit your proposal.

Date Recorded: 9/12/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Angela Fox, LSTA and Public Library Consultant / Indiana State Library



Facilitating Community Inquiry: Using Questions to Support Change – 1 LEU

the word change in orange with circular arrowsCommunity inquiry is inquiry, questioning, and exploring of, for, and by communities. A library can facilitate inquiry sessions both internally with staff and/or externally with their stakeholders and users. Libraries can use community inquiry tools and techniques to reframe and take a fresh look at complex questions and challenges which stall and even halt innovation and positive change. Community inquiry creates the chance to create lasting impact for and with communities. This session will overview community inquiry techniques, discuss possible hurdles, and walk you through one librarian’s experience utilizing community inquiry to support curiosity.

Date Recorded: 2/22/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Katie Reineke, Experience Manager / Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library

Presentation slides:

Book Recommendations:

  • Ryan J. E. (2017). Wait what? : and life’s other essential questions (First). HarperOne an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers.
  • Berger W. (2014). A more beautiful question : the power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas (First U.S.). Bloomsbury.
  • Rothstein D. & Santana L. (2011). Make just one change : teach students to ask their own questions. Harvard Education Press.

Helpful links:


Best Practices for Preserving Board Minutes – 1 LEU

Kim Hagerty, Director of Digitization and Micrographics Services at the Indiana Archives and Records Administration will go over best practices for preserving library board minutes. She will also cover what needs to be sent to IARA – board minutes or board packet? Board minutes and supporting documents if available. The best way to send it – digitize or original copies? Digital copies of the original files is best. Kim will explain further how libraries can do this in-house. What is the timeframe? This is dependent on amount of files. One reel of microfilm holds approximately 2,500 files. This could be over ten years’ worth of meeting minutes. And she will also cover best practices – start with current and work backwards? Either way is fine, if the oldest minutes are in brittle condition, the IARA would recommend starting with them for preservation purposes.

Date Recorded: 8/31/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kim Hagerty, Director of Digitization and Micrographics Services / Indiana Archives and Records Administration (IARA)




Beginner’s Guide to Being in Charge – 1 LEU

Suzanne MacaulayMoving into a new leadership role can be overwhelming and intimidating. This presentation will go over some dos and don’ts to help new leaders feel more confident and become more effective in their current and future roles. Participants will learn some common mistakes new leaders make (and how to avoid them), how to conquer feelings of doubt or imposter syndrome, and practical leadership techniques. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of creating a support network, investing in personal and professional development, and recognizing the value, knowledge, and skillset new leaders bring to their organizations.

Date Recorded: 9/28/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Suzanne Macaulay, Deputy Director / Pioneer Library System (NY)




Retirement on the Horizon? a Public Library Director’s Primer – 1 LEU

sandy beach next to waterIs retirement in your near future? Or is it years away? Either way, it’s time to think about what steps to take to prepare yourself and your library for this transition. This will be a panel discussion with directors who have retired, soon to retire or are planning to retire (sometime). If you would like to submit a question with the panel, please fill out this survey.

Date Recorded: 7/27/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Lynn Hobbs, current director of Pendleton Community Public Library, not ready for retirement, but working on a succession plan / Marilyn Wood, former director of Monroe County Public Library, retired May 2022 / Mary K. Emmrich, former director of Newton County Public Library, not retired yet, but in mentoring role as needed and a branch manager.



First Amendment Audit – 1 LEU

The ALA observed an increase in First Amendment audits this year. What are they and why are they on the rise? Join this webinar to learn more. We will analyze legal issues implicated by First Amendment Audits, including constitutional free speech and privacy issues, relevant state laws, and library policies to consider. Prepare the library for a calm interaction with our tips on how best to approach these sometimes-contentious events.

Date Recorded: 12/16/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Cheri Harris, Certification Program Director/Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library
