All posts by Paula Newcom

Have You Heard? There’s a Social Worker at the Library? – 1 LEU

image of one person helping another up a hill
A partnership between the San Francisco Public Library and the local Department of Public Health resulted in the placement of a social worker at the Main Library to link users to housing and social services. Eventually a job-training component was added, providing opportunities to develop marketable skills for people who had been homeless. Meet and hear the story of a library outreach worker who shares his/her own story to inspire others who are still struggling with homelessness.

Date Recorded: 10/5/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Leah Esguerra, Jennifer Key  & Joe Bank / San Francisco Public Library

Professionalism in the Workplace – 1 LEU

Professionalism doesn’t always mean what position you hold at a library. It can also mean how you show honesty and responsibility in any position you hold. This presentation will discuss topics such as dress codes, appropriate workplace language and conversations, diversity, and electronic communication issues. Small group exercises are also included.

Date Recorded: 12/19/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kimberly Brown-Harden / Indiana State Library

Writing Policy for Small to Medium Sized Public Libraries – 1 LEU

image illustrating policy writingLibrary board, director and staff need to be attentive to the library policies that support the library and the staff and are fair to everyone. This is an introduction for small and medium sized libraries on assessing the needs of a policy, drafting, reviewing and revising. It is important that policies conform to current law and are reasonable. Library policies are informed by the library profession’s ethics and confidentiality practices.

Date Recorded: 12/6/17


Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Karen Ainslie / Indiana State Library

School & Public Library Partnerships: Getting Public Library Access to Students – 1 LEU

image showing text the smartest card get it use it at your libraryGetting public library cards into the hands of all students can be a challenge.  Find out how two libraries worked with their local schools to do just that during this webinar.  First the Jasper County Public Library will share how they began providing Digital Access Cards to their middle and high schools, then Hamilton East Public Library will detail how they began allowing students to use their student ID as their library card number.  Both libraries have significantly increased students’ access to their collections by working directly with school librarians and administrators.

Date Recorded: 12/5/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Patty Stringfellow, Rebecca Amalong/ Jasper County Public Library  and Julie Walstra / Kankakee Valley High School and Lori Holewinski, Molly Mrozowski, Anna Sayres / Hamilton East Public Library and Terri Zabonick / Fall Creek Intermediate School

School and Library Partnerships: Easy Ideas and Best Practices – 1 LEU

Hancock County Public Library Children’s Librarian Bambi Pea acts as a liaison between HCPL and the district’s schools.  In this webinar, she’ll share successful ideas for school collaborations and visits, offer advice on how to initiate and maintain relationships with teachers and administrators, and provide insight into making it work from a public library’s perspective.

Date Recorded: 10/24/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Bambi  Pea / Hancock County Public Library Children’s Librarian

How to Create a Successful Staff Day – 1 LEU

coffee and notebook
Staff Day can be an incredible time of training, development, and unity for your entire organization.  It can also be incredibly stressful for the team putting the day together.  Learn tips, tricks, and ideas that will make your next Staff Day a huge success.  From timelines to team building these ideas are sure to help Staff Day go smoothly.

Date Recorded: 10/20/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Michelle Merritt / Trainer, Allen County Public Library

Learning Analytics and the Academic Library – 1 LEU

Analytics word colored pencils and handLearning Analytics and the Academic Library: What are the Intellectual Freedom and Informational Privacy Issues?  Higher education institutions are increasingly looking to mine student data in order to gain new, actionable insights into student behaviors using learning analytics technologies. Purportedly, these insights can help institutions improve student learning outcomes, increase student engagement, decrease time-to-degree measures, and ameliorate graduation rates. While on the face of it these aims are worthy of the resource expenditures necessary to build capacity for and implement learning analytics practices, there are serious serious threats to long-held values. Student privacy, academic and intellectual freedom, and the trustworthy relationships necessary for successful teaching and learning experiences are all affected by data mining practices that dig into and expose intellectual and social behaviors represented in a wide variety of data. This webinar will discuss the on-the-ground practices of learning analytics, how learning analytics specifically threatens these values, and why institutional actors–such as faculty, librarians, and advisors–should take notice. Special emphasis will be placed on particular concerns that arise when libraries participate in learning analytics with relationship to ALA’s Code of Ethics.

Date Recorded: 10/11/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kyle M.L. Jones / Assistant Professor at IUPUI Department of Library and Information Sciences

School and Public Library Partnerships: the Scoop from a School Librarian – 1 LEU

toy school bus and books
Join us a Robyn Young, Avon High School Librarian and ILF Past-President 2017, shares the scoop on what school librarians do as well as the challenges they face.  She’ll offer suggestions for public librarians approaching school media specialists with partnership ideas, discuss the types of partnerships that schools are most receptive to, and share information about successful public library partnerships in which she has participated.

Date Recorded: 9/28/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Robin Young / Avon High School  Librarian and ILF Past-President 2017

Services to Children with Special Needs: About Special Kids – 1 LEU

child's hand and crayons
Join us as staff from About Special Kids offers tips and suggestions for interacting with patrons who have special needs.  About Special Kids is Indiana’s Parent to Parent organization that works throughout the state to give support, answer questions and provide information and resources to families of children with special needs.

Date Recorded: 9/26/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jane Scott (Deputy Director) and Lisa Kutschera (Parent Liaison) / About Special Kids

Beyond Out of the Box: Digital Climbers at Muncie Public Library – 1 LEU

Rebimage think outside the boxecca Parker and Stuart Cotton will discuss their Digital Climbers STEAM learning program, and how they gave up on traditional STEAM programming in favor of a multi-layered, sustainable system of STEAM challenges and projects for children. Attendees will learn about the benefits of unscheduled, personalized learning programs for kids, how the program has evolved and improved over time, and how your library can benefit from programming like this.

Date Recorded: 9/1/2017

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Rebecca Parker and Stuart Cotton / Muncie Public Library