Tag Archives: Diversity

Indiana Educational Scholarship Accounts – 1 LEU

Indiana Educational Scholarship Accounts – How INESA helps hundreds of Hoosier families fund a unique education for their child with intellectual disabilities. Sam Gilmore and PJ Vaught, representing the Treasurer of the State’s office, share information about how to enroll your child and where to find a list of ESA providers.

Date Recorded: 03/28/24

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Sam Gilmore and PJ Vaught, Treasurer of the State’s Office

Resources: INESA 2024_2025 Presentation


Port in the Storm: How you can support LGBTQ youth – 1 LEU

rainbow and raindropsOur LGBTQIA+ youth are increasingly under attack and subjected to constant bullying. Participants will learn how to easily identify themselves as an ally: a port in the storm. Participants will also receive resources and advice on how to navigate the troubled waters with these formative young people. Questions were submitted in advance for this webinar and the presenter guided participants through best practices for a variety of scenarios.

Presenter: Jayne Walters (she/her) is a Board Member and the Director of Education for Indy Pride, co-founder of the LGBTQ+ Services Committee for IndyPL, and the first openly transgender manager in the history of Indianapolis Public Library. Having worked in libraries for over 14 years, her writing has been featured in Children & Libraries, Library Journal, and is a contributing author in the book Trans and Gender Diverse Voices in Libraries. She has spoken on LGBTQ+ issues for libraries, companies, and on the news, (2022). Her passions include LGBTQIA+ representation in juvenile literature; making sure libraries are accessible and equitable for the community and making them a safe and welcoming environment for both patrons and staff.

Date Recorded: 5/18/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Jayne Walters



Beyond Books: Serving the Whole Patron – 1 LEU

image of multicolored tactile toysThe staff of the North Manchester Public Library strive to meet the needs of their community in a variety of innovative ways. Unique programs and resources strengthen community relationships, center the library as an integral part of community life, and undergird literacy. In this webinar, Sarah Morbitzer, Children’s Department head, will share the ways NMPL is working to promote food security, physical activity, sensory integration, accessibility, and curiosity in learning.

Presenter Sarah Morbitzer began her career in the library world as a 10 year old volunteer. As a high school student she was hired as a clerk and promoted to Children’s programmer in her late teens. She later served as a Children’s Department Assistant and is now the Children’s Department Head at the North Manchester Public Library. Big ideas get her excited and one of her greatest joys is implementing new ideas at the library to blow patrons’ minds and get them excited about coming to their library!

Date Recorded: 5/10/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Sarah Morbitzer / North Manchester Public Library

Resource: Beyond Books Serving the Whole Patron resources


Come As You Are: Getting Started with EDI Committees in Your Library – 1 LEU

artistic collage of diverse human headsEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committees are a great first step towards strategically ensuring that those facing barriers to library services in our communities are given access and opportunities.  During this webinar, three different libraries will share their experiences with starting, maintaining, and moving forward with EDI committees.  They’ll share what inspired them to begin, how they formed the committee, where they are now, and how they hope to keep growing in the future.

Date Recorded: 3/15/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Shelby Couch and Robyn Bowers, Hussey-Mayfield Public Library / Angie Garrett, Amy Russell, and Ashley Meyers, Kokomo-Howard County Public Library / Whitney Woody and Keeley Waters, Johnson County Public Library



Building Community Engagement and Awareness Through Little Free Library – 1 LEU

You may be familiar with Little Free Library. Those cute boxes that look like oversized bird houses. But they are more than just cute. Join us to learn how to use this low cost, community engagement platform to support your outreach goals. Presenters:

This webinar is eligible for Library Education Units for Indiana Librarians. The following policy applies: Any time a staff member views an online event (or a library purchases a site license for an online event) by any of the Training Providers Approved by ISL for LEUs, the library’s designee in an administrative or Human Resources role shall create and award LEU certificates in-house.

Date Recorded: 2/24/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Greig Metzger, Executive Director / Little Free Library and Joanna Sproull / Community Liaison / Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library


From Diversity to Inclusion: How to Audit Your Collection and Why – 1 LEU

book shelvesKymberlee Powe, Children and YA Consultant for the Connecticut State Library Division of Library Development, dives into the makeup of the publishing industry. You will learn how to identify the difference between a diverse collection and an inclusive one, and walk through the logistics of performing a diversity audit of your collection. The examples and resources provided in this session will focus on youth collections; however, the methodology of performing a diversity audit, and the reasons to do so, are universal to all collections.

This presentation is brought to you by the Connecticut State Library, in collaboration with the Indiana State Library, the Library of Michigan, and the State Library of Ohio.

Date Recorded: 12/15/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kymberlee Powe, Children and YA Consultant / Connecticut State Library Division of Library Development



Diverse Books Toolkit – 1 LEU

Teaching Books for Public Library Staff Serving Youth logo

Join this session to become versed with the Diverse Books Toolkit from our INSPIRE, state-funded TeachingBooks service.  You’ll discover new ways to…

    • Identify exceptional diverse books for your community
    • Analyze your collection for diversity and inclusion
        • Facilitate book clubs and story times that videos and recordings with featured authors and illustrators.

Prior to and during the session, freely explore this resource at https://teachingbooks.net/DiverseBooks

Date Recorded: 9/17/21

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Nick Glass and Alyssa Yokota-Byron, TeachingBooks.net and BookConnections.org


Speak Up: Responding to Uncomfortable Situations – 1 LEU

This session covers real incidents that happened in libraries and good ways to respond to those uncomfortable situations. Great pro tips for new & seasoned library workers.

Date Recorded: 9/17/21

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Paula Newcom and Kara Cleveland, Indiana State Library

Speak Up Resources List


Book Connections @INSPIRE: New for Indiana Children’s & Teen Services – 1 LEU

BookConnections.org is the newest INSPIRE resource for all Indiana public library children and teen services. With games, homework help, and homeschool support for families, and library programming, book promotion, and collection analysis tools for library professionals, you’ll be equipped to deepen reading connections for everyone in your community.  Book Connections was developed to meet the needs of our public libraries from the group behind TeachingBooks, another INSPIRE resource.
Prior to and during the session, freely explore this resource at https://bookconnections.org.

Date Recorded: 9/17/21

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Nick Glass and Alyssa Yokota-Byron, TeachingBooks.net and BookConnections.org


Developing Welcoming Spaces for LGBTQ+ – 1 LEU

Creating welcoming spaces for members of the LGBTQ+ community is easier than you might think. In this session you’ll learn some of the small and big things you can do to help create those spaces for not just patrons, but also your coworkers and employees.

Date Recorded: 9/17/21

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jayne Walters, Indianapolis Public Library