This webinar will explore opportunities for libraries related to the world of TED – including, but not limited to, staging a TEDx event and hosting an ongoing TED Ed Club. The presenters will discuss their ongoing partnership, full of successes and failures, while inspiring librarians to bring these two worlds together at their own libraries.
Date Recorded: 9/12/17
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Kevin MacDowell / Monroe County Public Library and Jennifer Borland / TEDxBloomington
Join us to learn about STEM and “making” in libraries featuring the Make Do Share curriculum that has been tried and tested in a rural library system in Washington State. Make Do Share was made by libraries for libraries and includes helpful tips to build your confidence while supporting 21st century learners. We will explore ways to incorporate STEM skills into existing programs and how to become a non-expert leader in your community’s STEM learning ecology.
In late summer of 2016, Skokie (IL) Public Library created a Civic Lab–a mobile, pop-up initiative to increase civic discussion and civic literacy among library patrons of all ages. Hear from Christine Goertz and Amy Koester, two members of the Civic Lab team, to learn about the background of the Civic Lab, how many departments come together to support civic literacy, and the three types of pop-up events that make up the majority of Civic Lab appearances. They’ll also discuss the lessons learned from a year and a half of civic literacy programming. Participants will leave the webinar with ideas for implementing civic literacy initiatives in their own libraries.
Date Recorded: 2/22/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Christine Goertz and Amy Koester / Skokie Public Library
Looking to book an author at your library? Put your library’s best professional foot forward and avoid common pitfalls. Join Indiana author Kelsey Timmerman and Indiana’s Letters About Literature Coordinator, Suzanne Walker for this discussion about best practices when booking an author. From making sure their dietary needs are met to paying them efficiently, there’s more to booking an author than just deciding on a date. Hosted by Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award Program Coordinator, Caity Withers. Be sure to bring all of your questions regarding booking authors.
This webinar is eligible for Library Education Units for Indiana Librarians. The following policy applies: Any time a staff member views an online event (or a library purchases a site license for an online event) by any of the Training Providers Approved by ISL for LEUs, the library’s designee in an administrative or Human Resources role shall create and award LEU certificates in-house.
This webinar is eligible for 1 LEU.
Date Recorded: 8/07/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Kelsey Timmerman , Indiana Author, and Suzanne Walker, Indiana’s Letters About Literature Coordinator
Telescopes, digital converters, board games, coding toys, and more! Cary Memorial Library (MA) debuted its Library of Things collection in March 2017. Over a year later, we are grateful for how our collection has flourished in spite of a few hiccups along the way! This webinar discusses the why and how of starting a circulating collection of unusual items, including Cary Library’s best practices for streamlining the circulation process and easing staff concerns regarding learning about all of the Things in your collection.
Want to create an additional avenue for early childhood learning at a currently unused outdoor space? Join Kokomo-Howard County Public Library as we go through the process of creating one, from the idea state to ground-breaking and from the ribbon-cutting to programming.
Date Recorded: 3/15/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Trina Evans and Susan Bednarz / Kokomo-Howard County Public Library
Often our best resources are those in the very communities we serve. Whether you’re hosting an author visit, a concert, or a taste event these ideas will help your event go smoothly while relying on affordable resources within your community.
Date Recorded: 11/17/17
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Michelle Merritt / Allen County Public Library
Rebecca Parker and Stuart Cotton will discuss their Digital Climbers STEAM learning program, and how they gave up on traditional STEAM programming in favor of a multi-layered, sustainable system of STEAM challenges and projects for children. Attendees will learn about the benefits of unscheduled, personalized learning programs for kids, how the program has evolved and improved over time, and how your library can benefit from programming like this.
Date Recorded: 9/1/2017
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Rebecca Parker and Stuart Cotton / Muncie Public Library
Join us as Chris Lafave of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and Professor Johnathan Eller of the Center for Ray Bradbury Studies explain how their organizations celebrate the lives and works of two often-banned authors. They’ll share their experiences and best practices when it comes to banned books, information about their outreach services, and details on how Vonnegut Library and Bradbury Center are celebrating Banned Books Week.
Date Recorded: 9/26/2016
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Chris Lafave / Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and Professor Johnathan Eller / Center for Ray Bradbury Studies
From inception to completion, two librarians share their experiences with an IMLS Sparks grant. Shawnee Branch of Allen County Public Library received $23,421 to encourage positive interactions between adults and their young children and promote early learning. From story walks to yard signs and outreach to adults in parks, thrift stores and the farmers’ market, library staff spread the word. Did anyone get the message? Watch and find out!
“This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.”
Date Recorded: 11/17/16
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Pamela Martn-Diaz, Shawnee Branch Manager and Early Literacy Coordinator and Heather Grady, Shawnee Branch Assistant Manager and Children’s Librarian at the Allen County Public Library