Tag Archives: Administration

IT Security and Working from Home – 1 LEU

Ryan EdgellThe landscape of IT and working from home has changed significantly. This has increased the risks to IT security with planning and safeguarding becoming more important than ever.

Date Recorded: 3/31/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Ryan Edgell, President/Lead Consultant for Edge Information Technologies This webinar will be posted on the Indiana State Library’s Archived Trainings page.


A Whole Lotta Sugar in My Library Lemonade – 1 LEU

if life gives you lemons make lemonade

Do you ever feel like you give your team the same feedback over and over again with no change or results?  Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all these “great ideas” other people have and you don’t have time to implement them?  Who has time or that additional project?  Who has money for that?  Can I just file that thought and move on with my day?  Sometimes by looking at projects in a new way, our attitude can change.  We’ll look at 10 obstacles that turned into opportunities at my small library.

Participants will:

  • Explore how changing mindsets to a “why not” attitude can create new initiatives
  • Learn how to turn obstacles into opportunities

Date Recorded: 3/18/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Angela Bodzislaw, Spooner Memorial Library Director (Spooner, Wisconsin)

Angela Bodzislaw is Director of Spooner Memorial Library in Spooner, Wisconsin.  She is Vice Chair of WLA’s Wisconsin Small Libraries and serves on Cooperative Children’s Book Center Advisory Board.  She earned her MLIS degree from UW-Milwaukee and is a graduate of both Wisconsin DPI’s Youth Services Development Institute and Wisconsin Library Association’s Leadership Development Institute.  Most recently Angie co-founded a local initiative called Community First – Washburn County where she worked alongside a handful of community organizations to hand out care packages and deliver food to those in need while also supporting local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Angela’s mantra is “choose joy” and believes greatly in the role of libraries in offering community, opportunity, and literacy.

Facilitating a Discussion about Facilities – 1 LEU

facility manage blueprints laptop Are you a new library director? Do you find yourself with suddenly more responsibilities for your systems facilities? Join this panel of directors for a discussion about facilities management for libraries of all sizes and regions of Indiana.

Date Recorded: 1/27/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Nancy Disbro, Director / Andrews-Dallas Township Public Library | Winnie Logan, Director / New Castle Henry County Public Library | Scott Kinney, Director / Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library


Impacting Lives One Teen at a Time: What Directors Should Know – 1 LEU

teen girl reading book in a chairWhen teens walk into the library, does your staff view them as a problem or an opportunity? Libraries are positioned to have a huge impact on teen lives with just a little intentionality. This session will introduce directors (and anyone else interested) to the developmental needs of teens and the ways in which libraries can support teens in their communities by utilizing Connected Learning—yes, even during the pandemic! We’ll discuss what this looks like in the library setting and how to encourage staff to look at teens and teen programs in a different way.

Date Recorded: 12/22/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates, Indiana State Library / Christy Franzman, Hamilton East Public Library


We Are In This Together – Advocating for Libraries on the Local, State and National Level – 1 LEU

Join Julius Jefferson, ALA President, in a conversation about advocating for libraries from the local to the national level. He will explain the difference between grasstops and grassroots advocacy.

Date Recorded: 2/17/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Julius Jefferson, ALA President 2020-2021, Library of Congress

Services from the Indiana State Library – 1 LEU

Indiana State Library Great HallDid you know the Indiana State Library can provide you with FREE refurbished computers? What about FREE website hosting? Did you know you can check out tech kits, STEM kits, and VR kits to use in patron programming? Don’t know the difference between LDO, PDO, and Public Services? Join us for a brief overview of the ISL’s services and learn how we can support you and your library.

Date Recorded: 12/15/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Courtney Brown / Indiana State Library


The Many Hats of the Library Director – 1 LEU

leader on podium surrounded by staffMost librarians choose their careers based on the fact that they like to do core library work such as cataloging, collection development, or reference. But you might be surprised how far-removed the work of a Library Director is from core library work. Climbing the ranks to Director finds you crunching numbers, managing facilities, and navigating local politics. Is that really what you signed up for? In this webinar, Lynn Hobbs will talk about the range of duties that could fall under a Library Director’s job description, and will help you determine if it’s the right fit for you.

Date Recorded: 8/10/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Lynn Hobbs / Pendleton Community Public Library


No Secrets! Preparing Your Organization for Your Retirement – 1 LEU

retirement signHave you secretly been planning your retirement? Is there a date circled on a calendar somewhere that only you can see? Are you counting the days/weeks/months/years to retirement? Find out what happened when a mid-level manager decided to openly involve her library district with her retirement planning. Succession planning can be an opportunity for the entire organization. And when the big day finally arrives, everyone will be ready.

Terry Beck retired last year as the Information Services Manager at Sno-Isle Libraries. She was responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive program of library resources, equipment, and services to meet the reading, information, and connectivity needs of Sno-Isle Libraries’ 750,000 customers. Although she’s been in Washington state for over 20 years, she’s a native Midwesterner whose first professional library job was at the East Chicago (IN) Public Library.

Date Recorded: 6/24/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Terry Beck / Retired librarian

Resources from webinar

Library Community Partnerships – 1 LEU

Kelly Krieg-SigmanAs public libraries continue to strive towards deeper connections with their community, effective and mutually beneficial partnerships are essential.  Unfortunately, all too often, instead of being “made in heaven,” many partnerships feel more like “shotgun marriages.”  This session will examine the ingredients necessary for healthy, mutually beneficial, and sustainable library-community partnerships, and provide a number of suggestions as to where to start.

Date Recorded: 2/17/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kelly Krieg-Sigman / Retired Director of LaCrosse Public Library, WI

Presenting Data Effectively – 1 LEU

Nine data graphs and chartsEvery library collects statistics throughout the year, but are you doing more with them than just clicking submit on your annual report? In this webinar, we will discuss how to effectively present your annual statistics to your boards, Friends groups, patrons, and other key stakeholders. What should you put on an annual report? How should it look? What’s the best way to format your data? We’ll try to tackle it all!

Patrick Bodily is a Public Library Consultant and State Data Coordinator for the Idaho Commission for Libraries, where he’s worked since October 2014. He is a proud accidental librarian, data nerd, and high-five enthusiast. Prior to moving to Idaho, he was the Library Director of the Richfield Public Library in Richfield, Utah. When not trying to help libraries and librarians increase their capacity to better serve their communities, he enjoys spending his free time working to perfect the shapes, flavors, and smells of artisan bread.

Date Recorded: 3/4/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Patrick Bodily /Idaho Commission for Libraries, Public Library Consultant and State Data Coordinator