Did your boss ask you to do a presentation for your library staff day? Have you been tasked with giving a presentation about the library reading program to the local Rotary Club? Does the through of speaking in front of an audience frighten you to your core? Do you have no idea what to do? Help is here! In this presentation you will learn about the basics of presenting with some tips, tricks and best practices.
Get started with TALK: Text and Learn for Kindergarten. Discover how to quickly navigate online toolkits to find promotional materials and partnering tips to help you reach parents you might not see at the library with school readiness activities they can do at home. Learn how to use the MCLS TALK portal to send text messages to caregivers and let them know about upcoming library events.
This webinar is geared towards Indiana public libraries who are interested in or are planning to join the Indiana TALK pilot group. 1 hour/1LEU
This virtual, one-day training brought together Indiana and Maryland youth services staff to learn about the use of digital media in libraries and the role library staff can play as media mentors to youth and caregivers.
Part 1 explores technology/media trends and basic concepts surrounding media mentorship. 2 hrs / 2 LEUs
Part 2 explores practical applications and peer learning, helping library staff to incorporate media mentorship principles into their library programs, collections, and services. 2 hrs / 2 LEUs
Date Recorded: 10/27/2022
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: This training is facilitated by a team of library and media professionals, including Lisa Guernsey of New America; Dorothy Stoltz, consultant/retired librarian from Carroll County Public Library (MD); Conni Strittmatter, Youth & Family Engagement Manager, Baltimore County Public Library; and Amy Koester from Skokie Public Library (IL), in addition to facilitation by Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant, Indiana State Library, and Carrie Sanders, Youth Services Coordinator, Maryland State Library Agency. Additionally, several library professionals from around the country are special guests, sharing their particular expertise and knowledge in the application of media mentorship work in libraries and youth services.
All slides and a resource sheet can be found in this Google Folder
Learn about TALK: Text and Learn for Kindergarten, a text messaging program based on Every Child Ready to Read that empowers parents and caregivers to prepare their little ones for school success by sending easy, fun activity suggestions they can do at home.
In partnership with the Indiana State Library and Midwest Collaborative for Library Services, with funding from an IMLS National Leadership grant, TALK is now available in Indiana. Originally developed and tested by libraries in Washtenaw County, Michigan with IMLS/LSTA funds distributed through the Library of Michigan, TALK is currently being used by many public libraries in Michigan to reach parents they might not see at library storytimes. Learn details about the service, the toolkits, and how you can use text messaging to help improve school readiness in your community.
Date Recorded: 11/2/22
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Jodi Krahnke, Head of Youth Services and Angie Martin-Schwarze, TALK Program Assistant / Ypsilanti District Library (Michigan)
An overview of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program and the Temporary Waiver and how you might be able to have your student debt gone sooner rather than later. This webinar will include information about both of these programs, the current landscape of student loans, and a variety of resources.
The Reimagining School Readiness Toolkit is a suite of research-backed resources created for library staff to help families prepare children ages 0 to 8 for success in school and in life. Through an interactive presentation with hands-on activities, this training will introduce library staff to the research, practical implications, and resources offered in the toolkit, which is available in its entirety for free online. Participants will understand key findings from current cognitive and developmental psychology research, reflect on the implications of those findings for their daily work, and gain practical ready-to-implement ideas for activities, as well as resources for staff training and for parents/caregivers. You will benefit from this workshop if you work with children ages 0 to 8 and their families and would like to learn more about how to offer research-backed programming in your library!
Date Recorded: 9/16/22 and 9/17/2022
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Beth Yates / ISL Children’s Consultant and Suzanne Walker / Indiana Young Reader’s Center Librarian and Director of the Indiana Center for the Book
Board games are fun for children of all ages, but they are also promising tools for education. How can we best practically incorporate them into K-12 classrooms in order to optimize learning? As a former neurobiologist who transitioned to teaching, I have experimented for the past seven years with the integration of board games as educational tools. Here I will discuss best practices for using board games effectively to teach content knowledge, focusing primarily on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Topics covered will include gamer motivations, fun yet educational game mechanics, lesson plan structures, roles of educators in scaffolded learning, and common mistakes I have discovered in the “gameschooling” process. I will also show preliminary evidence that board games can effectively improve content knowledge. Overall, I hope to show how popular modern board games could be utilized in educational arenas.
Date Recorded: 10/27/21
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Catherine Croft, Ph.D. / Co-Founder & CEO, Catlilli Games
Join Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant at the Indiana State Library, as she highlights several INSPIRE databases that will be useful for those who serve students and who assist with homework assignments.