Tag Archives: Outreach

Where Do We Go From Here – 1 LEU

Are you worried about getting children and teens back into the library post-COVID? You aren’t alone! A community-based approach will help you expand your reach to patrons new and old, so in this webinar we’ll talk about Community Asset Mapping, a strategy that will help you discover and develop new partnerships.

Date Recorded: 10/19/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant / Indiana State Library and Christy Franzman, Teen Coordinator / Hamilton East Public Library



Developing Welcoming Spaces for LGBTQ+ – 1 LEU

Creating welcoming spaces for members of the LGBTQ+ community is easier than you might think. In this session you’ll learn some of the small and big things you can do to help create those spaces for not just patrons, but also your coworkers and employees.

Date Recorded: 9/17/21

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jayne Walters, Indianapolis Public Library


Affordable After Hours Pick-up Service – 1 LEU

Working patrons sometimes struggle with getting to the library before we close. By implementing an after hours pick up service you can now offer the freedom to pick up materials on the patron’s schedule instead of the library schedule. Learn how using a set of lockers and specialty locks can allow you to provide convenient pick-up times at your library for less than $1,000. Materials, processes, and our lessons learned will be shared.

Date Recorded:  04/07/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Julie Elmore, Director, Oakland City Columbia Township Public Library

We Are In This Together – Advocating for Libraries on the Local, State and National Level – 1 LEU

Join Julius Jefferson, ALA President, in a conversation about advocating for libraries from the local to the national level. He will explain the difference between grasstops and grassroots advocacy.

Date Recorded: 2/17/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Julius Jefferson, ALA President 2020-2021, Library of Congress

DIY Conference – The Ins and Outs of Virtual Programming – 1 LEU

Please join Amy, Heidi and Kate as they share lessons learned about virtual programming during the pandemic.  You will leave with program ideas and virtual programming best practices.

Date Recorded: 9/18/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Amy Dalton, Johnson County Public Library; Heidi Lovett, North Manchester Public Library; and Kate Blakely, Bremen Public Library

*Please note – Due to technical difficulties in the first recording of this webinar, we asked Amy to record her part again.  Her presentation is in the first video and Heidi and Kate’s presentations are in the second video. *


Families Tackling Tough Times – Resilience in the Face of Trauma – 1 LEU

“Resilience,” while an over-used term, is a very important scientific concept. Far from being rare, it is common for families to display resilience when faced with adversity. Nonetheless, threats to resilience, trauma among them, are also common. This webinar will review the scientific definitions of resilience and family resilience, and consider factors that may threaten or promote resilience. A new program created at Purdue to support family resilience during the pandemic will be introduced.

Date Recorded: 7/08/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth – Distinguished Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University

A Librarian’s Guide to Attending GenCon – 1 LEU

GenCon is the largest tabletop-game convention in North America that occurs annually in Indianapolis, Indiana and is contracted to continue happening in Indiana at least through 2023. This webinar will be presented by someone who has attended the convention in a multitude of hats; as a spectator, as a game-player, as a librarian taking advantage of the opportunities of Trade Day and as an event presenter. The webinar will cover a variety of basic information for attending and participating in the convention, whether you consider yourself a gamer or just a curious librarian.

Date Recorded: 4/16/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Jennifer Taylor, Hagerstown Public Library

Finding and Serving Hidden Patrons – 1 LEU

wooden game piecesHow do you serve people in your community who are unable get in to your library?  How do you find those people? What kind of programs or services could be offered to them? These questions plague libraries everywhere. Learn how we identified our target patron groups, partnered with community agencies to identify patrons, young and not so young, who would benefit from outreach programming, and how we used materials and staff on hand to add outreach to our service repertoire.

Angie Bates is currently the Assistant Director of Perry Memorial Library in Henderson, North Carolina, but she’s not always been a librarian.  She taught in elementary schools all across the United States from 1986–2009.  In 2010, she graduated from North Carolina Central University with my MLS and began her new career as a youth librarian.  She has been blessed to experience many sides of public librarianship; youth and adult services, cataloging, and now administration.  Her next adventure is to go beyond her library’s walls through outreach services.

Date Recorded: 2/26/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Angie Bates / Perry Memorial Library, Assistant Director  (Henderson, North Carolina)