Michelle Merritt, Trainer, Allen County Public Library, presents insights for managers and supervisors on how to create a coaching culture in your library.
Date Recorded: 11/08/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Michelle Merritt, Trainer, Allen County Public Library
Test yourself! Use the provided checklists to determine your technology proficiency. Be your own trainer and discover opportunities where you can increase your skills. Form a plan to personalize Technology Competencies Checklists for your own library and make the move to receive buy-in from staff.
Date Recorded: 12/6/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Heather Rayl / Vigo County Public Library and Katherine Huddle / Carmel Clay Public Library
ISL staff will cover Indiana gun laws and how they impact libraries. We will provide appropriate language for library policies regarding patron behavior and clarify what libraries can and can’t regulate. Library Director Mary K. Emmrich will discuss the process Newton County Public Library went through last year to develop an active shooter policy and share the outcome.
Date Recorded: 6/29/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Mary K. Emmerich/ Newton County Public Library; Cheri Harris/Indiana State Library
This webinar will show you the state and Federal resources used by the Northwest Indiana Center for Data & Analysis to provide accurate and timely data for our CAN projects. Resources to be previewed will include but are not limited to: American Community Survey, American Factfinder, STATS Indiana, Hoosiers by the Numbers, and Stats America.
Date Recorded: 3/28/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Scott Sandberg / Indiana University Northwest
What skills do you need to be a leader in your organization? Based on the highly successful webinar series, The Day in the Life of a Leader, and decades of experience in teaching, consulting and leading. Drs. Cheryl Stenstrom and Sue Alman will discuss the leadership traits most in demand for library and information professionals. Among other issues they will address the need to be an effective communicator, strategist, and risk-taker. Join us for a lively interactive discussion.
Date Recorded: 9/25/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Dr. Cheryl Stenstrom and Dr. Sue Alman/San Jose State University
Your library has a mission to effectively serve the community, This cannot be achieved without a strategic plan that outlines your goals, priorities, resources, strengths and weaknesses. How can this be accomplished without the funding to hire an outside facilitator or consultant? This presentation will give you guidance on how research and write a strategic plan in-house. You will learn the major components of a strategic plan, how to conduct community research that will be incorporated into the planning process, and how to organize and delegate tasks.
Date Recorded: 9/5/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Michele Stricker / Deputy State Librarian of Lifelong Learning at the New Jersey State Library
A healthy and effective workplace often stems from strong leadership. For supervisors, it’s important to develop a team of individuals who work well together, do what needs to be done, and help each other succeed. Join us for a dynamic session to learn what it means to develop a healthy organizational culture, with an introduction to the concept of organizational citizenship behavior and its relevance to public libraries. You’ll learn techniques to build and support a team that is willing and able to go above and beyond, and to help your library succeed.
Date Recorded: 5/10/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Rachel Rubin / Capital University Library (Columbus, Ohio)
In this webinar, you’ll learn more about the trend toward the suspension of fines in public libraries including what “fine free” means, the philosophies behind the shift, and the practical considerations that go into becoming a “fine free” library.
Date Recorded: 4/17/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Ruth Frasur / Hagerstown Public Library and Scott Tracey, West Lafayette Public Library
New to the profession? Or want a refresher on library responsibilities regarding censorship and intellectual property? In this webinar, we will look at different ways that librarians consider ALA best practices when making collection decisions. We will also look at resources for determining fair use and intellectual property considerations in your school or library program.
Date Recorded: 2/6/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenters: Chad Heck / Pike High School and Darcy Davidson Armstrong / Eckhart Public Library
What is Microaggression? Do you know when it’s happening to you? This webinar includes both coping with microaggressions and strategies for creating an inclusive workplace that prevents them from happening in the first place.
Date Recorded: 2/15/18
Format: Archived YouTube Video
Presenter: Endia Sowers Paige / University of Georgia School of Law