Tag Archives: Community

Impacting Lives One Teen at a Time: What Directors Should Know – 1 LEU

teen girl reading book in a chairWhen teens walk into the library, does your staff view them as a problem or an opportunity? Libraries are positioned to have a huge impact on teen lives with just a little intentionality. This session will introduce directors (and anyone else interested) to the developmental needs of teens and the ways in which libraries can support teens in their communities by utilizing Connected Learning—yes, even during the pandemic! We’ll discuss what this looks like in the library setting and how to encourage staff to look at teens and teen programs in a different way.

Date Recorded: 12/22/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates, Indiana State Library / Christy Franzman, Hamilton East Public Library


We Are In This Together – Advocating for Libraries on the Local, State and National Level – 1 LEU

Join Julius Jefferson, ALA President, in a conversation about advocating for libraries from the local to the national level. He will explain the difference between grasstops and grassroots advocacy.

Date Recorded: 2/17/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Julius Jefferson, ALA President 2020-2021, Library of Congress

Starting and Growing a Library of Things – 1 LEU

A Library of Things expands the role of libraries in the sharing economy. Learn how to curate a circulating collection of objects to help patrons save money while being green.

Date Recorded: 8/19/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Dianne Connery / Director of the Pottsboro Public Library (Texas)

Families Tackling Tough Times – Resilience in the Face of Trauma – 1 LEU

“Resilience,” while an over-used term, is a very important scientific concept. Far from being rare, it is common for families to display resilience when faced with adversity. Nonetheless, threats to resilience, trauma among them, are also common. This webinar will review the scientific definitions of resilience and family resilience, and consider factors that may threaten or promote resilience. A new program created at Purdue to support family resilience during the pandemic will be introduced.

Date Recorded: 7/08/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth – Distinguished Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University

Library Community Partnerships – 1 LEU

Kelly Krieg-SigmanAs public libraries continue to strive towards deeper connections with their community, effective and mutually beneficial partnerships are essential.  Unfortunately, all too often, instead of being “made in heaven,” many partnerships feel more like “shotgun marriages.”  This session will examine the ingredients necessary for healthy, mutually beneficial, and sustainable library-community partnerships, and provide a number of suggestions as to where to start.

Date Recorded: 2/17/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kelly Krieg-Sigman / Retired Director of LaCrosse Public Library, WI

Finding and Serving Hidden Patrons – 1 LEU

wooden game piecesHow do you serve people in your community who are unable get in to your library?  How do you find those people? What kind of programs or services could be offered to them? These questions plague libraries everywhere. Learn how we identified our target patron groups, partnered with community agencies to identify patrons, young and not so young, who would benefit from outreach programming, and how we used materials and staff on hand to add outreach to our service repertoire.

Angie Bates is currently the Assistant Director of Perry Memorial Library in Henderson, North Carolina, but she’s not always been a librarian.  She taught in elementary schools all across the United States from 1986–2009.  In 2010, she graduated from North Carolina Central University with my MLS and began her new career as a youth librarian.  She has been blessed to experience many sides of public librarianship; youth and adult services, cataloging, and now administration.  Her next adventure is to go beyond her library’s walls through outreach services.

Date Recorded: 2/26/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Angie Bates / Perry Memorial Library, Assistant Director  (Henderson, North Carolina)

Library Created Games – 1 LEU

image of gameboard piecesThis presentation explores games developed by libraries to support information literacy and internal training. One benefit of creating games is being able to tailor experiences to the culture and needs of libraries and their communities. Some games covered in this session include the University of Tennessee Libraries’ interactive Breakout Game for first-year studies courses, Acquisitions Adventure (which is used for internal training of acquisitions staff), and the Pendergrass Clue board game (which supports one of our branch libraries). This session showcases games created by other libraries as well.

Date Recorded: 10/25/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Allison Shepard / Assistant Professor & Online Learning Librarian University of Tennessee Libraries

So You Want to Start a Library Podcast – 1 LEU

image of microphoneDr. Curtis Rogers, Communications Director for the South Carolina State Library, will share his experience with SCSL’s podcast, LibraryVoicesSC, and provide tips for starting your own library podcast.  Attendees will learn about the podcasting process from what equipment can be used, selecting topics, editing recordings, and using a podcasting service such as Podbean.

Date Recorded: 6/5/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Dr. Curtis Rogers, Communications Director for the South Carolina State Library

Resources from webinar:

Community Engagement: Beyond the Buzz – 1 LEU

image of linked handsAfter meeting as part of the first cohort in the American Library Association’s Libraries Transforming Communities initiative, three librarians from three different sized library systems will share their experience getting out of the library and engaging with their communities.  By the end of the session, attendees will understand why libraries should adopt this type of work, learn strategies for how to do it, and leave with techniques to make community engagement part of their regular library routine.

Date Recorded: 5/30/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:   Jean Canosa Albano, Assistant Director for Public Services at the Springfield City Library / Erica Freudenberger, Outreach & Engagement Consultant at the Southern Adirondack Library System / Aileen Luppert, Managing Librarian at the Spokane County Library District

Teaching iPad and iPhone to Seniors – 1 LEU

Seniors are highly motivated to learn to use devices, but have few opportunities to attend classes that address their needs to use.   Most are unaware of how these devices can connect them to the free library services of Hoopla, Freegal, Libby (Overdrive) and their local online catalogs.

This presentation will include an outline of what can be taught in five 90-minute classes.  Highlighted will be the 20 apps every senior needs to know and practical advice on such topics as:  Offering classes outside of the library, fee-based classes and limiting class sizes.

Date Recorded: 5/6/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Barbara Friedman, Director of the Erving Public Library (Erving, Massachusetts)

Resource from webinar: