Tag Archives: Management

Affordable After Hours Pick-up Service – 1 LEU

Working patrons sometimes struggle with getting to the library before we close. By implementing an after hours pick up service you can now offer the freedom to pick up materials on the patron’s schedule instead of the library schedule. Learn how using a set of lockers and specialty locks can allow you to provide convenient pick-up times at your library for less than $1,000. Materials, processes, and our lessons learned will be shared.

Date Recorded:  04/07/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Julie Elmore, Director, Oakland City Columbia Township Public Library

Critical Hit: Using Dungeons and Dragons for Training and Evaluation – 1 LEU

This session will distill Dungeons & Dragons down to its key concepts and show you how they can be implemented to track employee progress, achieve goals, and build a closely connected team of adventure seekers and problem solvers. Whether you’re a new adventurer or an expert D&D player, everyone is welcome to join in on the fun.

Date Recorded:  05/11/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Evan Barber, IT Technical Associate, Brookens Library, University of Illinois – Springfield


Facilitating a Discussion about Facilities – 1 LEU

facility manage blueprints laptop Are you a new library director? Do you find yourself with suddenly more responsibilities for your systems facilities? Join this panel of directors for a discussion about facilities management for libraries of all sizes and regions of Indiana.

Date Recorded: 1/27/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Nancy Disbro, Director / Andrews-Dallas Township Public Library | Winnie Logan, Director / New Castle Henry County Public Library | Scott Kinney, Director / Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library


Impacting Lives One Teen at a Time: What Directors Should Know – 1 LEU

teen girl reading book in a chairWhen teens walk into the library, does your staff view them as a problem or an opportunity? Libraries are positioned to have a huge impact on teen lives with just a little intentionality. This session will introduce directors (and anyone else interested) to the developmental needs of teens and the ways in which libraries can support teens in their communities by utilizing Connected Learning—yes, even during the pandemic! We’ll discuss what this looks like in the library setting and how to encourage staff to look at teens and teen programs in a different way.

Date Recorded: 12/22/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates, Indiana State Library / Christy Franzman, Hamilton East Public Library


We Are In This Together – Advocating for Libraries on the Local, State and National Level – 1 LEU

Join Julius Jefferson, ALA President, in a conversation about advocating for libraries from the local to the national level. He will explain the difference between grasstops and grassroots advocacy.

Date Recorded: 2/17/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Julius Jefferson, ALA President 2020-2021, Library of Congress

Services from the Indiana State Library – 1 LEU

Indiana State Library Great HallDid you know the Indiana State Library can provide you with FREE refurbished computers? What about FREE website hosting? Did you know you can check out tech kits, STEM kits, and VR kits to use in patron programming? Don’t know the difference between LDO, PDO, and Public Services? Join us for a brief overview of the ISL’s services and learn how we can support you and your library.

Date Recorded: 12/15/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Courtney Brown / Indiana State Library


The Many Hats of the Library Director – 1 LEU

leader on podium surrounded by staffMost librarians choose their careers based on the fact that they like to do core library work such as cataloging, collection development, or reference. But you might be surprised how far-removed the work of a Library Director is from core library work. Climbing the ranks to Director finds you crunching numbers, managing facilities, and navigating local politics. Is that really what you signed up for? In this webinar, Lynn Hobbs will talk about the range of duties that could fall under a Library Director’s job description, and will help you determine if it’s the right fit for you.

Date Recorded: 8/10/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Lynn Hobbs / Pendleton Community Public Library


Staff Development Day – 1 LEU

image of people and laptopsAs part of the regular routine in public libraries, we plan/attend staff meetings. As a way to step it up a notch, why not plan a quarterly Staff Development Day for all of your library team. When your crew comes together in a relaxed environment, ideas and creativity can flourish! Plan to attend this webinar to get the Who? What? Why? and How?

Date Recorded: 7/16/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Tina Snyder / Director of the Hancock County Public Library (Hawesville, Kentucky)

Resource from webinar:

Public Libraries in Indiana 101 – 1 LEU

image of Indiana State Library logoJennifer Clifton, Library Development Office Supervisor from the Indiana State Library, will give an overview of the public library landscape, as well as the policies and procedures that guide what they do. She’ll talk about funding, budgets, governance, public library law, certification, standards, staffing, and services. This session will be aimed at folks that are new to Indiana libraries, as well as anyone looking for a refresher.

Date Recorded: 9/23/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Jennifer Clifton, Indiana State Library