Tag Archives: Trends

Gameschooling: Using Board Games in the Classroom – 1 LEU

gameboard with dice and plastic ducksBoard games are fun for children of all ages, but they are also promising tools for education. How can we best practically incorporate them into K-12 classrooms in order to optimize learning? As a former neurobiologist who transitioned to teaching, I have experimented for the past seven years with the integration of board games as educational tools. Here I will discuss best practices for using board games effectively to teach content knowledge, focusing primarily on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Topics covered will include gamer motivations, fun yet educational game mechanics, lesson plan structures, roles of educators in scaffolded learning, and common mistakes I have discovered in the “gameschooling” process. I will also show preliminary evidence that board games can effectively improve content knowledge. Overall, I hope to show how  popular modern board games could be utilized in educational arenas.

Date Recorded: 10/27/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Catherine Croft, Ph.D. / Co-Founder & CEO, Catlilli Games



A Trauma-Informed Approach to Public Library Social Service – 1 LEU


handsAthens (Georgia) Regional Library is one of the first public libraries to refocus a social work program toward a trauma-informed framework. This session presents replicable steps in providing library services, designing and implementing policies, and supplying holistic training for staff utilizing a trauma-informed lens. As libraries are asked to do more with less, this session highlights easily attained methods of becoming trauma-informed and establishing a system which reflects the assets of the community and organizational values. 1hr / 1 LEU.

Date Recorded: 6/30/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Trudi Green / Assistant Director for Public Services, Athens Regional Library System; Jennifer Elkins / Associate Professor, University of Georgia School of Social Work; Sarah List / Information Services Librarian, Athens Regional Library System.



My Favorite Tech Tools and Shortcuts for Busy Library Staff – 1 LEU


Keeping up with our busy work and personal lives can be a challenge! Technology exists to help make it a little easier, but how do you decide what to use?

In this session, I will share some of my favorite tech tools and shortcuts that help maintain healthy work habits, as well as some ideas on how we can connect with our communities virtually.

Bring some of your favorite tech tools or shortcuts to share and we’ll create a list of resources everyone will be able to access.  1hr / 1 TLEU.

Date Recorded: 2/17/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Pam Seabolt / Community Engagement Librarian with the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) –

Pam has served as Community Engagement Librarian with the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) since 2017. Through her role, Pam works with libraries across Indiana to present a variety of training opportunities.

Pam’s educational background includes a B.S. in Child Development and Family Studies with a minor in History and a M.L.S. from Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis.



Libraries Will Save the World! Implementing Sustainability at Your Library – 1 LEU

April GriffithConcerned about climate change? Help your library “go green” by leveraging the super power of libraries everywhere: the make-do mindset! You’ll learn solutions for everything from sustainable programming practices, environmental partnerships, as well as easy eco-friendly swaps, based on the experience of the Eureka Springs Carnegie Library.

Date Recorded: 5/26/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  April Griffith / Eureka Springs Carnegie Library, Director


Affordable After Hours Pick-up Service – 1 LEU

Working patrons sometimes struggle with getting to the library before we close. By implementing an after hours pick up service you can now offer the freedom to pick up materials on the patron’s schedule instead of the library schedule. Learn how using a set of lockers and specialty locks can allow you to provide convenient pick-up times at your library for less than $1,000. Materials, processes, and our lessons learned will be shared.

Date Recorded:  04/07/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Julie Elmore, Director, Oakland City Columbia Township Public Library

DIY Conference – The Ins and Outs of Virtual Programming – 1 LEU

Please join Amy, Heidi and Kate as they share lessons learned about virtual programming during the pandemic.  You will leave with program ideas and virtual programming best practices.

Date Recorded: 9/18/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Amy Dalton, Johnson County Public Library; Heidi Lovett, North Manchester Public Library; and Kate Blakely, Bremen Public Library

*Please note – Due to technical difficulties in the first recording of this webinar, we asked Amy to record her part again.  Her presentation is in the first video and Heidi and Kate’s presentations are in the second video. *


Social Media: How Many Accounts Do I Really Need? – 1 LEU

logo bubbles of social media iconsFacebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr … how many social media accounts does one library need, anyway?  And how can you make the most of them with limited time and money?  We’ll give you basic social media best practices for libraries, then delve into the specifics of Facebook so you can learn how to make the right posts at the right time to reach further than ever.

Date Recorded: 5/29/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Robin Johnsen / Lake County Public Library, Technology Marketing Specialist


Starting and Growing a Library of Things – 1 LEU

A Library of Things expands the role of libraries in the sharing economy. Learn how to curate a circulating collection of objects to help patrons save money while being green.

Date Recorded: 8/19/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Dianne Connery / Director of the Pottsboro Public Library (Texas)

A Primer for New Teleworkers – 1 LEU

work from home spelled in scrabble lettersYou always wanted the “luxury” of working at home.  But all of a sudden, you find yourself working from your bedroom, with no clear direction, and tons of distractions.  The lines between work and home have become completely blurred, and you feel overwhelmed.  How can you possibly get a handle on this new way of working, while also meeting the expectations of your boss?  Lynn Hobbs will give some practical tips for setting up your space, organizing your workload, and staying balanced in the world of telework.

Date Recorded: 4/13/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Lynn Hobbs / Director, Pendleton Community Public Library

Resources from webinar