All posts by administrator

Employee Wellness Incentive: Corrective to Inclusive – 1 LEU

Get an inside view of how and why a public library transitioned from an insurance incentive that targeted those who failed screening benchmarks to a wellness incentive that treats health as holistic. Come learn about the research behind incentives and see how one program evolved. Presenters will detail inclusive and holistic features, ask attendees to personalize ideas for their own institutions, and break wellness activities into pieces that can be applied with or without an insurance discount.

Date recorded:  5/8/24

Format: Archived YouTube video

Presenters: Faith Brautigam, Library Director and Christie Tate, Head of Human Resources and Volunteers / Kokomo – Howard County Public Library

We Need More Than Just Yoga and Meditation: Really Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Librarians and Library Workers – 1 LEU

In our everyday work, we focus much of our time and energy on patron services, ways to improve these services, and innovative ways to support our patrons and communities. Yet, we regularly neglect one significantly underserved population – ourselves. Specifically, the mental health needs of librarians and library workers. These needs, alongside support, are rarely addressed in conference presentations or continuing education programs. This webinar will discuss practical and meaningful approaches for librarians and library workers to manage emotional labor, triggering service experiences, and compassion fatigue, preventing burnout or furthering of mental health issues. Additionally, this webinar will offer ways in which management and colleagues can compassionately and respectfully support those who are experiencing a mental health crisis.

Date Recorded: 04/24/2024

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Abigail Phillips, Assistant Professor – School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Geri-Fit at the Library: A Look at Evidence-Based Fitness Programming in Libraries – 1 LEU

Learn how libraries can partner with local and state funding sources to bring evidence-based fitness programs, fall prevention courses, and chronic disease-management classes to their libraries. The focus will be on older adult programming. Hear from other Indiana libraries about their success stories and expansion efforts into offering community education classes for this special segment of the population.

Date Recorded: 04/10/24

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Fran Fisher, CEO of Geri-Fit Company, LLC

Indiana Educational Scholarship Accounts – 1 LEU

Indiana Educational Scholarship Accounts – How INESA helps hundreds of Hoosier families fund a unique education for their child with intellectual disabilities. Sam Gilmore and PJ Vaught, representing the Treasurer of the State’s office, share information about how to enroll your child and where to find a list of ESA providers.

Date Recorded: 03/28/24

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Sam Gilmore and PJ Vaught, Treasurer of the State’s Office

Resources: INESA 2024_2025 Presentation


Navigating Privacy Issues in the Public Library – 1 LEU

This webinar presents privacy as a library value, privacy as a legal concept, and common questions that come up in public libraries. The presenter addresses various scenarios and the policies that you need to have in place in regards to privacy issues – law enforcement requests, privacy and customer service, personnel files, children and privacy.

Date Recorded: 12/13/2023

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Rose Shingledecker, Certifcation Director and Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

Resources: Privacy Webinar Slides Handout 


Creative Aging and Lifelong Arts Indiana – 1 LEU

Stephanie Haines, from the Indiana Arts Commission, talks about the Lifelong Arts Indiana a program that teaches the benefits and practices of “Creative Aging.” Creative Aging is the purposeful development of creative experiences to benefit older adults, often in partnership with a local artist. Libraries have a meaningful connection with older adults in their community and the Indiana Arts Commission would like to provide library staff with the tools and funding needed to implement meaningful Creative Aging programs. Check out this great example of a strong creative aging program at a library from our friends at the Delaware Arts Commission Indiana Arts Commission is offering up to 35 libraries across the state a Lifelong Arts Early Action Grant which will fund a sequential arts-learning experience for a group of older adults in their community. Grants will be for up to $5,000 and will be led by a qualified artist.

Date Recorded: 1/10/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Stephanie Haines, Arts Education and Accessibility Program Manager, Indiana Arts Commission


Sign up here: Lifelong Arts Creative Aging learning & funding sign up

Deadline February 26, 2024 4pmET

Contact info for Roberta Wong




The Indiana State Library’s Digital Collections Overview – 1 LEU

The hour session will be an overview of what the State Library has been doing over the past 5 years with their digital collections. We will also talk about the materials being added to the Internet Archive.



Date Recorded: 09/27/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Chris Marshall, Digital Collections Coordinator, Indiana State Library


Digital Inclusion Series: Implementing Digital Tools – 1 LEU

An introduction to how to assist patrons in the application of digital resources. Emma will be discussing the Affordable Connectivity Program and ways to assist digital skills development.

Presenter: Emma Woods, Digital Inclusion Fellow / Indiana State Library

Date Recorded: 07/12/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Emma is an Americorps member serving through the American Connection Corps program run by the Purdue Center for Regional Development and Lead for America. In her previous role, she served the Uplands region of Indiana in developing county and regional-level digital inclusion plans.


Digital Inclusion Series: Digital Resources – 1 LEU

Building on the ideas presented in the Digital Inclusion 101 webinar, this webinar will further detail the resources available to bridge the digital equity gap.

Presenter: Emma Woods, Digital Inclusion Fellow / Indiana State Library

Emma is an Americorps member serving through the American Connection Corps program run by the Purdue Center for Regional Development and Lead for America. In her previous role, she served the Uplands region of Indiana in developing county and regional-level digital inclusion plans.

Date Recorded: 06/14/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video



Digital Inclusion Series: Digital Inclusion 101 – 1 LEU

An introduction to how to assist patrons in the application of digital resources. Emma will be discussing the Affordable Connectivity Program and ways to assist digital skills development.

Presenter: Emma Woods, Digital Inclusion Fellow / Indiana State Library

Emma is an Americorps member serving through the American Connection Corps program run by the Purdue Center for Regional Development and Lead for America. In her previous role, she served the Uplands region of Indiana in developing county and regional-level digital inclusion plans.

Date Recorded: 5/31/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video