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The Care and Feeding of Authors: Planning a Successful Library Visit – 1 LEU

Looking to book an author at your library? Put your library’s best professional foot forward and avoid common pitfalls. Join Indiana author Kelsey Timmerman and Indiana’s Letters About Literature Coordinator, Suzanne Walker for this discussion about best practices when booking an author. From making sure their dietary needs are met to paying them efficiently, there’s more to booking an author than just deciding on a date. Hosted by Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award Program Coordinator, Caity Withers. Be sure to bring all of your questions regarding booking authors.

This webinar is eligible for Library Education Units for Indiana Librarians. The following policy applies: Any time a staff member views an online event (or a library purchases a site license for an online event) by any of the Training Providers Approved by ISL for LEUs, the library’s designee in an administrative or Human Resources role shall create and award LEU certificates in-house.

This webinar is eligible for 1 LEU.

Date Recorded: 8/07/18

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:   Kelsey Timmerman , Indiana Author, and Suzanne Walker, Indiana’s Letters About Literature Coordinator



Legal Research Basics for Librarians – 1 LEU

This webinar will help you answer legal research questions from patrons and will also help you assist patrons who are doing their own legal research. Starting with an overview of different types of legal authority we will distinguish between primary and secondary authority. Then we will look at strategies and tools for finding state and federal statutes, regulations, and case law. Paying special attention to Indiana materials we will demonstrate how to use a variety of free websites to conduct legal research on-line. We conclude with tips for how to stick to conducting legal research and avoid providing legal advice.

Date Recorded: 3/29/18


Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:   Cheri Harris / Indiana State Library



Descriptive Cataloging for Books and DVDs: What is the Title? – 1 LEU

image of book with magnifying glassDo you want to understand what current cataloging instructions say about recording titles and variant titles of books and motion pictures (DVDs)? Do you find the title page, cover title, or title screen confusing? It can be difficult to identify the elements of the title, the title proper, part of title, or parallel title– you are not alone! Two experienced catalogers and cataloging trainers will guide you in distinguishing the title and title variants for the catalog record. They will share a variety of confusing book and DVD titles, with best cataloging practices. They will also share some best practices for adapting records to your local catalog! An understanding of MARC is required. Examples will be given in MARC and OPAC views. Some understanding of RDA instructions would be helpful for attendees, but is not required. This presentation is geared mainly to public library catalogers, but all catalogers are welcome. Cataloging examples will also be shared separately.

Date Recorded: 12/13/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Andrea Morrison and Thomas Whittaker / Indiana University, Bloomington

Change Management: Anything Can Happen in the Zone – 1 LEU

image of a butterflyAll libraries face catalysts for change, and rather than being afraid of change, with effective consideration of the personal aspects felt by staff or patrons, libraries can change many things at the same time. Butler University Libraries had already made progressive changes in public services areas, but Technical Services workflows and organization remained unchanged and bound to legacy practices from decades past. For us, the best catalyst for change was a system migration to a cloud-based library management system. This system migration was tied to organizational restructuring, building rearrangement, and a new strategic plan, each of which intertwined with the details of the migration project and was underpinned by thoughtful analysis of how to help employees through change. Research on technical services departments is discussed in light of how roles change through the streamlined workflows available in a new ILS, and how those changes can have a domino effect, creating space or opportunity to shift responsibilities or spaces in ways long awaited or newly identified. Join us to learn how changes can help refocus a library’s efforts to fulfill what can be an evolving mission, while retaining core strengths and values. This webinar, while delivered by an academic librarian, will also be useful to public libraries wanting to work through big changes.

Date Recorded: 11/28/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Josh Petrusa / Butler University


Let’s Talk: A Conversation About Information Literacy – 1 LEU

question marks
Join us to talk about information literacy and lifelong learning in public, academic, and school libraries. We will share the perspective on the intersection of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education as well as lifelong learning after college. Please come and share your professional experiences and challenges. Information Literacy happens in all libraries. This webinar is worth 1 LEU.

Date Recorded: 11/3/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Lisa Jarrell and Brenda Yates Habich / Ball State University

It’s Not Just Packing a Cardigan: How to Attend a Conference and Get the Most Out of Your Experience

cat in sweater

No LEUs Offered for this webinar.

Library conferences are great until you realize that you forgot to bring business cards. They are fantastic until you are sitting in a session that is not at all what you thought it would be. Library conferences are terrific until you realize that you’ve attended 5 sessions on basically the same topic and you can’t remember what actually was said. So much fun, until you get lost in an unfamiliar city. There are things you can do ahead of time to make sure that you get the most out of your library conference experience. Join a panel of seasoned (and not so seasoned) library conference goers to learn tips on what to bring, how to plan, and guidelines to help you not only have a great conference experience, but also how to follow-through after the conference, so that your organization will be excited to send you again. Courtney Block, Selina Gomez-Beloz, and Megan Zanto from the Indiana Library Federation will share their tips as well as some specifics related to the 2017 ILF Conference. This will be a great webinar to take for people new to the field or for people who have never attended a large conference before. ALA, PLA, and ILF will all be mentioned. No LEUs will be offered, but we still hope this is a great event to get ready for all the library conferences.

Date Recorded: 10/24/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Courtney Block / Indiana University Southeast,  Selina Gomez-Beloz / Crown Point Community Public Library, Suzanne Walker / Indiana State Library, Megan Zanto / Indiana Library Federation

Resources from Webinar:

From Cradle to Coffin: Vital Records Research in Indiana – 1 LEU

Birth and death information forms the core of genealogical research. But finding that information can be difficult, particularly if your ancestor lived in the time period before mandatory government-issued vital records. In “From Cradle to Coffin,” we will explore the many different record types that include birth and death information and provide research tips on how to find these records.

Date Recorded: 8/2/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jamie Dunn / Indiana State Library


From Cradle to Coffin Handout

Graphic Design: Introduction to Canva – 1 LEU

Canva logoWant to create dynamic promotional materials with less stress and less time? Canva, an online graphic design tool, may be your best option. During this session you will learn how to create attractive materials with this relatively simple online tool. You will also learn about Canva for Nonprofits, a free premium version for nonprofits with team sizes of 10 members or less.

Date Recorded: 9/6/2017

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Matthew Stephenson / Pendleton Community Public Library

Additional Resources:  Canva is dedicated to helping nonprofit organizations succeed in “bring[ing] their vision to life.”

Using Newspapers in Your Research – 1 LEU

a stack of newspapersIn this program, we will explore how to use newspapers more effectively to research family history.  Using newspaper columns, obituaries, death notices, and articles, you can better piece together family ties during times when other types of records did not exist. Newspaper digitization is a new technology that we will discuss, as well. The Indiana State Library has the world’s largest collection of Indiana newspapers. If you would like to find out how to utilize this vast collection to help with your research, plan to attend this webinar.

Date Recorded: 10/17/2017

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Leigh Anne Johnson / Indiana State Library

Additional Resources: 

Graphic Design: Introduction to GIMP – 1 LEU

Logo for GIMPDon’t have the funds to purchase a license for Adobe Creative Cloud? Don’t despair. There is a free alternative to Photoshop. This hour-long session will introduce the essential functions of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). During this session, you will learn how to GIMP’s considerable number of tools to edit and retouch photos, as well as how GIMP and Microsoft Publisher can be a powerful one-two punch in graphic design..

Date Recorded: 9/1/2017

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Matthew Stephenson / Pendleton Community Public Library

Resources for GIMP: