All posts by Paula Newcom

Rainbow Reads: LGBTQIA+ Reader’s Advisory for Preschool & Youth – 1 LEU

LGBTQIA+ Reader's Advisory for Preschool and Youth logoLGBTQIA+ literature is not just for Pride Month! Librarians from the Indianapolis Public Library will share their top LGBTQIA+ literature picks for youth. They will introduce titles across multiple genres and age groups that can be easily incorporated into every day displays and reader’s advisory. Books from every aspect of the rainbow for parents and youth ages 12 and younger to read together or on their own will be shared.

Date Recorded: 10/29/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Jayne Walters / West Indianapolis Branch Manager and Maggie Ward / Outreach Services Manager – Indianapolis Public Library.


The Many Hats of the Library Director – 1 LEU

leader on podium surrounded by staffMost librarians choose their careers based on the fact that they like to do core library work such as cataloging, collection development, or reference. But you might be surprised how far-removed the work of a Library Director is from core library work. Climbing the ranks to Director finds you crunching numbers, managing facilities, and navigating local politics. Is that really what you signed up for? In this webinar, Lynn Hobbs will talk about the range of duties that could fall under a Library Director’s job description, and will help you determine if it’s the right fit for you.

Date Recorded: 8/10/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Lynn Hobbs / Pendleton Community Public Library


Supporting Homeschool Families – 1 LEU

mother and daughter in front of laptopIn addition to the families that already homeschool in your community, others are considering this path to stay home and educate their children in response to COVID-19 as a health precaution or in anticipation of guidelines provided by local school districts. Libraries are able to support parents and caregivers with learning at home as they face challenges new to them.

Date Recorded: 9/3/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Suzanne Walker / Indiana State Library and Shelby Peak / Indianapolis Public Library


Social Media: How Many Accounts Do I Really Need? – 1 LEU

logo bubbles of social media iconsFacebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr … how many social media accounts does one library need, anyway?  And how can you make the most of them with limited time and money?  We’ll give you basic social media best practices for libraries, then delve into the specifics of Facebook so you can learn how to make the right posts at the right time to reach further than ever.

Date Recorded: 5/29/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Robin Johnsen / Lake County Public Library, Technology Marketing Specialist


Basics of Cataloging – 1 LEU

library catalog drawerHave you ever been curious of how library resources are cataloged or why records display in an OPAC the way they do? Wondered what catalogers and technical services staff do all day and was afraid to ask? Here is your chance to learn more about how an essential function of the library happens with this informative, friendly presentation by experienced cataloger and technical services librarian Jill Sherman. Topics covered will be Library of Congress subject headings, classification and other tools used to create the records that build the foundation of a library catalog.

Date Recorded: 8/26/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jill Sherman /  Data Analytics and Technical Services Librarian, Sullivan University (Louisville, Kentucky)

Tackling Racism in Classic Children’s Literature – 2 LEUs

Linsdey Patrick-Wright and Klem-Mair Cajigas

We all know that there are outdated and racist classics on our shelves. These books reflect a homogenous past, yet they still thrive in an ostensibly multicultural present. How do we hold fast to intellectual freedom while solidifying our commitment to diversity and inclusiveness?
Nashville Public Library spent a year asking that question and the resulting work can be replicated by other libraries seeking to apply an anti-racist lens to their collections. Join us as Klem-Marí Cajigas and Lindsey Patrick-Wright offer insight and suggestions for us to re-evaluate our own collections. This webinar was previously presented as a session at both TLA’s 2019 Annual Conference and at the 2020 PLA Conference, and for the Tennessee State Library & Archives.

Klem-Marí Cajigas is the Family Literacy Coordinator for Bringing Books to Life!, Nashville Public Library’s award-winning early literacy outreach program. She has been with Nashville Public Library since 2012, after more than a decade of academic training in Religious Studies and Ministry, including doctoral work at Vanderbilt University.

Lindsey Patrick-Wright was formerly the Youth Services and Continuing Education Coordinator for TSLA. She has been at Nashville Public Library for 9 years now, first managing the Children’s Department and is currently managing the Southeast Branch.

Date Recorded: 8/25/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Starting and Growing a Library of Things – 1 LEU

A Library of Things expands the role of libraries in the sharing economy. Learn how to curate a circulating collection of objects to help patrons save money while being green.

Date Recorded: 8/19/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Dianne Connery / Director of the Pottsboro Public Library (Texas)

Privacy Quest: Write Your Own Story – 2 LEUs

lock representing online securityPrivacy is a vital civil right. Learn to protect your and your community’s privacy via narrative-based exercises. Protecting privacy is a key element of the library’s role in democracy. Empower your community to wrest its narrative back from the clutches of surveillance capitalism. Learn how make gnarly passwords and be private on the internet via the Ironsworn role-playing game. Control your privacy; write your own story.

Bryan is a systems Librarian at Nashville Public Library and member of Library Freedom Project. He is a lifelong gamer and banned books reader, but a first-time Library Education Unit presenter.

Date Recorded: 5/18/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Bryan Jones / Systems Librarian at the Nashville Public Library (Tennessee)

Resources from webinar

No Secrets! Preparing Your Organization for Your Retirement – 1 LEU

retirement signHave you secretly been planning your retirement? Is there a date circled on a calendar somewhere that only you can see? Are you counting the days/weeks/months/years to retirement? Find out what happened when a mid-level manager decided to openly involve her library district with her retirement planning. Succession planning can be an opportunity for the entire organization. And when the big day finally arrives, everyone will be ready.

Terry Beck retired last year as the Information Services Manager at Sno-Isle Libraries. She was responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive program of library resources, equipment, and services to meet the reading, information, and connectivity needs of Sno-Isle Libraries’ 750,000 customers. Although she’s been in Washington state for over 20 years, she’s a native Midwesterner whose first professional library job was at the East Chicago (IN) Public Library.

Date Recorded: 6/24/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Terry Beck / Retired librarian

Resources from webinar