All posts by Paula Newcom

Grants for Youth Services – 1 LEU

image of hand with $100 billLooking to fund your next great library idea? There might be a grant for that! Navigating the world of grants can be daunting for even the most seasoned professional, and many people aren’t even sure where to start. This webinar will provide a brief overview on how to search for funding, as well as recommendations for tackling those applications

Date Recorded: 10/16/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Angela Fox, Indiana State Library

Resources from webinar:

Public Libraries in Indiana 101 – 1 LEU

image of Indiana State Library logoJennifer Clifton, Library Development Office Supervisor from the Indiana State Library, will give an overview of the public library landscape, as well as the policies and procedures that guide what they do. She’ll talk about funding, budgets, governance, public library law, certification, standards, staffing, and services. This session will be aimed at folks that are new to Indiana libraries, as well as anyone looking for a refresher.

Date Recorded: 9/23/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Jennifer Clifton, Indiana State Library

So You Want to Start a Library Podcast – 1 LEU

image of microphoneDr. Curtis Rogers, Communications Director for the South Carolina State Library, will share his experience with SCSL’s podcast, LibraryVoicesSC, and provide tips for starting your own library podcast.  Attendees will learn about the podcasting process from what equipment can be used, selecting topics, editing recordings, and using a podcasting service such as Podbean.

Date Recorded: 6/5/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Dr. Curtis Rogers, Communications Director for the South Carolina State Library

Resources from webinar:

Community Engagement: Beyond the Buzz – 1 LEU

image of linked handsAfter meeting as part of the first cohort in the American Library Association’s Libraries Transforming Communities initiative, three librarians from three different sized library systems will share their experience getting out of the library and engaging with their communities.  By the end of the session, attendees will understand why libraries should adopt this type of work, learn strategies for how to do it, and leave with techniques to make community engagement part of their regular library routine.

Date Recorded: 5/30/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:   Jean Canosa Albano, Assistant Director for Public Services at the Springfield City Library / Erica Freudenberger, Outreach & Engagement Consultant at the Southern Adirondack Library System / Aileen Luppert, Managing Librarian at the Spokane County Library District

Making a Mini Makerspace – 1 LEU

image of mini robotUnder the staircase, an old study room, an accessible storage closet … anywhere can become a mini makerspace! The North Riverside Public Library, a small library outside Chicago, was able to cobble together funding using our budget and grants to create mini makerspaces in small nooks around our library. We will talk about our process, research on materials and space design, and how we solicited valuable feedback from patrons. We’ll also discuss our failures and successes throughout the planning and implementation process, including budgetary constraints and unique workarounds that we discovered. This talk will be applicable to any small or rural library willing to get creative.

Date Recorded: 5/15/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Britney Musial, Teen/Tween Librarian and Lizzy Boden, Adult Services Librarian, North Riverside Public Library (North Riverside, Illinois)

Resources from webinar:

Teaching iPad and iPhone to Seniors – 1 LEU

Seniors are highly motivated to learn to use devices, but have few opportunities to attend classes that address their needs to use.   Most are unaware of how these devices can connect them to the free library services of Hoopla, Freegal, Libby (Overdrive) and their local online catalogs.

This presentation will include an outline of what can be taught in five 90-minute classes.  Highlighted will be the 20 apps every senior needs to know and practical advice on such topics as:  Offering classes outside of the library, fee-based classes and limiting class sizes.

Date Recorded: 5/6/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Barbara Friedman, Director of the Erving Public Library (Erving, Massachusetts)

Resource from webinar:

Step Up Your Library Signage – 1 LEU

image of shoes on stairsCould your library’s signage do with a makeover?  This session will look critically at many type of library signs and review positive and negative aspects of library signage.  We will also address how to conduct a signage audit and the importance of library branding.  Attendees will learn practical approaches and inexpensive and free ways to improve the library’s image and to develop library brand recognition.  Also addressed will be issues of customer service and how not to use signage to solve library problems.

Date Recorded: 3/21/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Dr. Curtis R. Rogers / Communications Director of the South Carolina State Library

Resources from webinar:

More Than #MotivationMonday: Motivating Your Team Any Day of the Week – 1 LEU

image of lightbulb on table

Employees motivated to deliver top notch service are key to a library’s success. But many in library organizations don’t know how to effectively encourage employee motivation. As a critical management and leadership skill, it’s important to know what motivation is and isn’t, what works and what doesn’t. In this session, we’ll explore factors that influence motivation at work and review strategies for supervisors to keep their teams motivated and productive. No matter the size of your library or your role, you will be discover your own motivation and inspire motivation in others.

Date Recorded: 5/16/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Rachel Rubin / Director of Library and Information Services at Capital University (Columbus, Ohio)

Resources from webinar:

Where’s My Cape? Managing a Youth Services Department – 1 LEU

image of person with superman capeYou were a hard-working youth librarian.  Now, you’re a youth services manager moving at the speed of light.  Experienced or just starting out, everyone needs a support network.  Join us for this Q&A-based webinar, where three current youth services managers (and one children’s consultant/ex-manager) share their tips & tricks about time management, coping with staffing dynamics, and handling change.

Date Recorded: 4/24/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates / Indiana State Library and Alyssa Morgan / Morgan County Public Library and Casey O’Leary / Mooresville Public Library and Cathy Riley / Hancock County Public Library

Resources from webinar:

AnyAbility: Serving Adults with Disabilities – 1 LEU

Learn about one library’s experience creating programs that have grown into engaging experiences where adults with disabilities connect with their community, interact with peers, and utilize library resources.  As a result of the AnyAbility program, library staff are more comfortable using people-first language, have rewarding interactions with customers with disabilities, and have positively changed the dynamic of the library.
1. Recognize the importance of people-first language.
2. Design programs for adults with disabilities.
3. Develop enriching and accepting spaces where adults with disabilities can flourish.

Date Recorded: 4/16/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Hannah Martinez,  Maria Mayo, Marsha Marcilla  / Anythink Libraries (Adams County, Colorado)

Resources from webinar: