Tag Archives: Populations

Families Tackling Tough Times – Resilience in the Face of Trauma – 1 LEU

“Resilience,” while an over-used term, is a very important scientific concept. Far from being rare, it is common for families to display resilience when faced with adversity. Nonetheless, threats to resilience, trauma among them, are also common. This webinar will review the scientific definitions of resilience and family resilience, and consider factors that may threaten or promote resilience. A new program created at Purdue to support family resilience during the pandemic will be introduced.

Date Recorded: 7/08/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth – Distinguished Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University

Library Community Partnerships – 1 LEU

Kelly Krieg-SigmanAs public libraries continue to strive towards deeper connections with their community, effective and mutually beneficial partnerships are essential.  Unfortunately, all too often, instead of being “made in heaven,” many partnerships feel more like “shotgun marriages.”  This session will examine the ingredients necessary for healthy, mutually beneficial, and sustainable library-community partnerships, and provide a number of suggestions as to where to start.

Date Recorded: 2/17/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kelly Krieg-Sigman / Retired Director of LaCrosse Public Library, WI

Finding and Serving Hidden Patrons – 1 LEU

wooden game piecesHow do you serve people in your community who are unable get in to your library?  How do you find those people? What kind of programs or services could be offered to them? These questions plague libraries everywhere. Learn how we identified our target patron groups, partnered with community agencies to identify patrons, young and not so young, who would benefit from outreach programming, and how we used materials and staff on hand to add outreach to our service repertoire.

Angie Bates is currently the Assistant Director of Perry Memorial Library in Henderson, North Carolina, but she’s not always been a librarian.  She taught in elementary schools all across the United States from 1986–2009.  In 2010, she graduated from North Carolina Central University with my MLS and began her new career as a youth librarian.  She has been blessed to experience many sides of public librarianship; youth and adult services, cataloging, and now administration.  Her next adventure is to go beyond her library’s walls through outreach services.

Date Recorded: 2/26/20

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Angie Bates / Perry Memorial Library, Assistant Director  (Henderson, North Carolina)

Teaching iPad and iPhone to Seniors – 1 LEU

Seniors are highly motivated to learn to use devices, but have few opportunities to attend classes that address their needs to use.   Most are unaware of how these devices can connect them to the free library services of Hoopla, Freegal, Libby (Overdrive) and their local online catalogs.

This presentation will include an outline of what can be taught in five 90-minute classes.  Highlighted will be the 20 apps every senior needs to know and practical advice on such topics as:  Offering classes outside of the library, fee-based classes and limiting class sizes.

Date Recorded: 5/6/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Barbara Friedman, Director of the Erving Public Library (Erving, Massachusetts)

Resource from webinar:

AnyAbility: Serving Adults with Disabilities – 1 LEU

Learn about one library’s experience creating programs that have grown into engaging experiences where adults with disabilities connect with their community, interact with peers, and utilize library resources.  As a result of the AnyAbility program, library staff are more comfortable using people-first language, have rewarding interactions with customers with disabilities, and have positively changed the dynamic of the library.
1. Recognize the importance of people-first language.
2. Design programs for adults with disabilities.
3. Develop enriching and accepting spaces where adults with disabilities can flourish.

Date Recorded: 4/16/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Hannah Martinez,  Maria Mayo, Marsha Marcilla  / Anythink Libraries (Adams County, Colorado)

Resources from webinar:

Chair Yoga at Your Library – 1 LEU

image of yoga poseBy 2030, one out of every five people living in Indiana will be a senior citizen (65 or older). Chair yoga is a fun, relaxing program that improves our physical and emotional well-being. Even better, chair yoga can be done by anyone at your library with an interest in yoga and teaching. In this hour-long webinar, a certified yoga teacher will address the do’s and don’ts of a chair yoga program and will offer up a blueprint on getting started at your library.

Date Recorded: 1/16/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:   Mary Schons / East Chicago Public Library


How to Conduct a Community Needs Assessment CAN – 1 LEU

image of ipad and statistics sheet
This webinar will show you the state and Federal resources used by the Northwest Indiana Center for Data & Analysis to provide accurate and timely data for our CAN projects. Resources to be previewed will include but are not limited to: American Community Survey, American Factfinder, STATS Indiana, Hoosiers by the Numbers, and Stats America.

Date Recorded: 3/28/18

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Scott Sandberg / Indiana University Northwest

Getting to Know You: Connect with Patrons Experiencing Homelessness – 1 LEU

Learn how to connect with some of your most marginalized patrons. Patrons experiencing homelessness may be some of the most overlooked library users. Misconceptions and fear on the part of both patrons and staff may interfere in connecting with these patrons. Monroe County has faced a number of issues concerning homelessness and the opioid epidemic. Discover how Monroe County Public Library connected with this population using the Harwood Method.

Date Recorded: 5/16/17

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Elizabeth Grey / Monroe County Public Library

Don’t SEL Yourself Short: How to Build Social Emotional Learning Into Any Teen Program – 1 LEU

image of two teenage girls laying on grass
Youth need more than traditional literacies to succeed in life – they also need emotional intelligence. Learn how you can build Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into any teen program and help your teens develop their self-management, social awareness, and relationship skills. You’ll leave this session with great resources and concrete ideas for incorporating SEL at your library. Presenter: Brin Chenille Bugo, Calgary Public Library

Date Recorded: 4/26/18


Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:   Brin Chenille Bugo / Calgary Public Library

From the Bottom Up: We Overlooked the Misdemeanor (And so Can You!) – 1 LEU

image of Nappanee Public Library volunteer logo tree with hands
Learn how the Nappanee Public Library is meeting a need in their community by providing a quality, non-judgmental Community service Volunteer Program.  With firm guidelines and expectations in place, a mutually beneficial relationship begins.  With data and support, NPL can prove its value to your library and community.

Date Recorded: 9/29/17

Resources from Nappanee Public Library:

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Lissa Krull and Lana McCoy / Nappanee Public Library