Tag Archives: Programming

Library Created Games – 1 LEU

image of gameboard piecesThis presentation explores games developed by libraries to support information literacy and internal training. One benefit of creating games is being able to tailor experiences to the culture and needs of libraries and their communities. Some games covered in this session include the University of Tennessee Libraries’ interactive Breakout Game for first-year studies courses, Acquisitions Adventure (which is used for internal training of acquisitions staff), and the Pendergrass Clue board game (which supports one of our branch libraries). This session showcases games created by other libraries as well.

Date Recorded: 10/25/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Allison Shepard / Assistant Professor & Online Learning Librarian University of Tennessee Libraries

So You Want to Start a Library Podcast – 1 LEU

image of microphoneDr. Curtis Rogers, Communications Director for the South Carolina State Library, will share his experience with SCSL’s podcast, LibraryVoicesSC, and provide tips for starting your own library podcast.  Attendees will learn about the podcasting process from what equipment can be used, selecting topics, editing recordings, and using a podcasting service such as Podbean.

Date Recorded: 6/5/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Dr. Curtis Rogers, Communications Director for the South Carolina State Library

Resources from webinar:

Making a Mini Makerspace – 1 LEU

image of mini robotUnder the staircase, an old study room, an accessible storage closet … anywhere can become a mini makerspace! The North Riverside Public Library, a small library outside Chicago, was able to cobble together funding using our budget and grants to create mini makerspaces in small nooks around our library. We will talk about our process, research on materials and space design, and how we solicited valuable feedback from patrons. We’ll also discuss our failures and successes throughout the planning and implementation process, including budgetary constraints and unique workarounds that we discovered. This talk will be applicable to any small or rural library willing to get creative.

Date Recorded: 5/15/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Britney Musial, Teen/Tween Librarian and Lizzy Boden, Adult Services Librarian, North Riverside Public Library (North Riverside, Illinois)

Resources from webinar:

Teaching iPad and iPhone to Seniors – 1 LEU

Seniors are highly motivated to learn to use devices, but have few opportunities to attend classes that address their needs to use.   Most are unaware of how these devices can connect them to the free library services of Hoopla, Freegal, Libby (Overdrive) and their local online catalogs.

This presentation will include an outline of what can be taught in five 90-minute classes.  Highlighted will be the 20 apps every senior needs to know and practical advice on such topics as:  Offering classes outside of the library, fee-based classes and limiting class sizes.

Date Recorded: 5/6/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Barbara Friedman, Director of the Erving Public Library (Erving, Massachusetts)

Resource from webinar:

Bring NASA to Your Library with STEM Programming – 1 LEU

Hear from two librarians experienced in the NASA @ My Library program about how they have used the kit materials in their libraries to bring STEM programming to the masses and connect their libraries with the research and science of NASA.  Ryan Curto, Bedford Public Library, and Allison McLean, Elkhart Public Library, share ideas for programs they have done using the original NASA@MyLibrary kits.

Date Recorded: 4/12/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Ryan Curto, Bedford Public Library and Allison McLean, Elkhart Public Library

Essential Astronomy for Libraries – 1 LEU

image of night sky with person in silhouette
Join us as members of the Indiana Astronomical Society provide an introduction to practical observing that can be used at libraries for their own astronomy-themed programs.  This session will explore the basics of navigating the night sky, cover common types of celestial objects, and provide guidance for finding and identifying popular targets in the summer night sky.  Whether you are planning a “Universe of Stories” star-gazing program this summer or just want to brush up on your knowledge of our galaxy, this webinar will provide the information you need!

Date Recorded: 3/6/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Ben Jansen, Vice-President – Indiana Astronomical Society / Laura Keller, Secretary & Librarian – Indiana Astronomical Society / Fred Keller, Board Member – Indiana Astronomical Society / Mike Birch, Board Member – Indiana Astronomical Society

Resources from webinar:

Chair Yoga at Your Library – 1 LEU

image of yoga poseBy 2030, one out of every five people living in Indiana will be a senior citizen (65 or older). Chair yoga is a fun, relaxing program that improves our physical and emotional well-being. Even better, chair yoga can be done by anyone at your library with an interest in yoga and teaching. In this hour-long webinar, a certified yoga teacher will address the do’s and don’ts of a chair yoga program and will offer up a blueprint on getting started at your library.

Date Recorded: 1/16/19

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:   Mary Schons / East Chicago Public Library


Marketing on a Small Budget – 1 LEU


Libraries are busy places. From programming to services, we want people to know about everything. The challenge? We often have very limited (if any) marketing budgets. Join Kim Crowder, Director, Communications, for The Indianapolis Public Library, and learn easy tips and tricks to boost your marketing strategy on a budget. See examples of what has worked and where your time is best spent.

Date Recorded: 11/16/18

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Kim Crowder, Director, Communications, Indianapolis Public Library

Let’s Get Moving at the Library! Physical Activity Programs for Fun and Health-1 LEU

Let's Move in Libraries logo What can you do in your library to increase physical activity in
your community? My research shows that 36 public libraries across Indiana already get their communities moving with everything from Tai Chi in the Park (Adams Public Library System) to Yoga Storytime (Putnam County Public Library) being offered regularly throughout the state. And there are other ways to get people moving beyond having programs like these. The Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library checks out pickleball sets and at least eight Indiana libraries regularly do StoryWalk programs at local parks. Attend this webinar to learn how, no matter your size or budget, you can do something to support physical activity. Using examples from Indiana libraries, and from around the world, this webinar will provide you with proven strategies you can use to develop new programs, services, and spaces at your library.

Date Recorded: 10/23/18

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Dr. Noah Lenstra, MLIS / assistant professor of Library and Information Studies at the University of North Carolina Greensboro


Diversifying Your Book Club by Selection and Membership – 1 LEU

Are you tired of reading the same books for your book clubs? Are you hoping to reach new audiences? Join Tiffani Carter, the manager of the West Indianapolis Branch Library for some tips and best practices to consider when choosing your book club selections and recruiting new participants.

Date Recorded: 9/11/18

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Tiffani Carter / West Indianapolis Branch Library