Tag Archives: General LEU

Planting the seeds of leadership: Growing your skills at any level – 1 LEU

image of seedling hand wateredLeadership training has traditionally been reserved for those in formal management and administrator positions, but there is a wealth of research that shows the benefits of providing this training to employees at all levels. Organizations that invest in leadership training draw talented employees and are better positioned to withstand crises. Professionals who attend workshops and trainings report greater opportunities for personal and professional growth and increased satisfaction at work. In this talk intended for library staff of all levels, I will address the benefits of attending leadership training, such as improved communication, increased community impact, and greater work culture of care and support. You will hear concrete strategies of growing your skillset and finding leadership opportunities and have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss ideas.

Date Recorded: 5/3/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Jenni Burke, Science Librarian / Butler University



Employee Wellness Incentive: Corrective to Inclusive – 1 LEU

Get an inside view of how and why a public library transitioned from an insurance incentive that targeted those who failed screening benchmarks to a wellness incentive that treats health as holistic. Come learn about the research behind incentives and see how one program evolved. Presenters will detail inclusive and holistic features, ask attendees to personalize ideas for their own institutions, and break wellness activities into pieces that can be applied with or without an insurance discount.

Date recorded:  5/8/24

Format: Archived YouTube video

Presenters: Faith Brautigam, Library Director and Christie Tate, Head of Human Resources and Volunteers / Kokomo – Howard County Public Library

We Need More Than Just Yoga and Meditation: Really Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Librarians and Library Workers – 1 LEU

In our everyday work, we focus much of our time and energy on patron services, ways to improve these services, and innovative ways to support our patrons and communities. Yet, we regularly neglect one significantly underserved population – ourselves. Specifically, the mental health needs of librarians and library workers. These needs, alongside support, are rarely addressed in conference presentations or continuing education programs. This webinar will discuss practical and meaningful approaches for librarians and library workers to manage emotional labor, triggering service experiences, and compassion fatigue, preventing burnout or furthering of mental health issues. Additionally, this webinar will offer ways in which management and colleagues can compassionately and respectfully support those who are experiencing a mental health crisis.

Date Recorded: 04/24/2024

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Abigail Phillips, Assistant Professor – School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Geri-Fit at the Library: A Look at Evidence-Based Fitness Programming in Libraries – 1 LEU

Learn how libraries can partner with local and state funding sources to bring evidence-based fitness programs, fall prevention courses, and chronic disease-management classes to their libraries. The focus will be on older adult programming. Hear from other Indiana libraries about their success stories and expansion efforts into offering community education classes for this special segment of the population.

Date Recorded: 04/10/24

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Fran Fisher, CEO of Geri-Fit Company, LLC

Indiana Educational Scholarship Accounts – 1 LEU

Indiana Educational Scholarship Accounts – How INESA helps hundreds of Hoosier families fund a unique education for their child with intellectual disabilities. Sam Gilmore and PJ Vaught, representing the Treasurer of the State’s office, share information about how to enroll your child and where to find a list of ESA providers.

Date Recorded: 03/28/24

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Sam Gilmore and PJ Vaught, Treasurer of the State’s Office

Resources: INESA 2024_2025 Presentation


Navigating Privacy Issues in the Public Library – 1 LEU

This webinar presents privacy as a library value, privacy as a legal concept, and common questions that come up in public libraries. The presenter addresses various scenarios and the policies that you need to have in place in regards to privacy issues – law enforcement requests, privacy and customer service, personnel files, children and privacy.

Date Recorded: 12/13/2023

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Rose Shingledecker, Certifcation Director and Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

Resources: Privacy Webinar Slides Handout 


Game Master Librarian Part One: How You and Your Library can be a Portal for TTRPG Learning Experiences – 1 LEU

image of colorful diceTabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) – Dungeons & Dragons being the most popular example – can positively impact the multiple facets of students’ lives: academics, durable skills, social-emotional learning. In Part One of our two part series, let’s quest together as we encounter how research supports using TTRPGs in education, explore stories of teachers using TTRPGs in their classrooms, and discover ideas and ways that librarians and the library can play a critical role in making such transformative game-based learning a success. 

Before the webinar begins, please complete Slides 3-5 of the “Character Sheet Reflection Tool” (i.e. “Before the Quest”). We will complete the second half (“At the End of the Quest”) of the Reflection Tool at the end of the webinar.

ADAM WATSON (@watsonedtech) has been a Kentucky educator since 2005, starting out as a high school English teacher and became National Board Certified in 2013.  In 2014, he was hired at Shelby County Public Schools to be its district Digital Learning Coordinator, where he was a leader in several initiatives, including a 1:1 Chromebook implementation and the launch of Shelby’s Profile of a Graduate.  In his role at Shelby, Adam also was the lead liaison for the district’s librarians.   In 2022, he joined the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative (OVEC) as a Deeper Learning Design Specialist.  Adam is a frequent presenter, PD facilitator, and published writer on innovative education, particularly on the topics of edtech and game-based learning.  In 2019, KySTE (the state chapter of the International Society for Technology in Education) named him the Outstanding Leader of the Year.  For more on Adam’s educational journey, please visit adamwatson.org.

Date Recorded: 5/8/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Adam Watson, Digital Learning Coordinator / Shelby County Public Schools



2024 Getting Started with Girls Who Code – 1 LEU

girls who code logo Girls Who Code wants to give you the tools and resources you need to develop inclusive computer science programming – no coding experience required. Join us to learn about our free Clubs program for 3rd-12th grade coders. We’ll introduce you to our three essential components for quality programming: (1) activities that teach coding and social-emotional development, (2) a culture of bravery where participants join a supportive community of peers and role models in tech, and (3) real-world application of coding for positive impact. Leave with step-by-step guidance for bringing new STEM initiatives to young people in your community!

Presenter:  Kibret Yebetit is a Senior Manager of Community Partnerships & Outreach at Girls Who Code. She works with educators, libraries, and nonprofits to bring free computer science education to their students.

Date Recorded: 5/9/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kibret Yebetit / Senior Manager of Community Partnerships & Outreach at Girls Who Code



What the Research Says – Digital Privacy in libraries as Digital Literacy – 1 LEU

image of lock on html codeArticle VII of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights states that “Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy”. With the proliferation of digital services available through libraries both public and academic, this imperative extends out beyond the walls of the library and into the realm of digital privacy. In this webinar, one librarian will talk through the preparation and implementation of three different programs on this topic: an online resource, a workshop at Monroe County Public Library, and a program at Indiana University Libraries. Through these examples, participants will discover various resources to support similar initiatives.

Date Recorded: 3/27/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: James Henry Smith, Jay Visiting Information Literacy Librarian /
Indiana University Libraries



Digital Preservation 101: What Libraries Should Know – 1 LEU

image of man digitizing bookWhen digitizing materials from your library, preservation is just as important as access. In this presentation from representatives of Indiana Digital Preservation, or InDiPres, you will learn what digital preservation entails, including the processes that InDiPres uses to prepare and include content into its preservation network, and how this practice is essential to any library’s digital initiatives plan.

Date Recorded: 2/22/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Justin Clark, Digital Initiatives Director of the Indiana Historical Bureau, a division of the Indiana State Library and serves as Chair Emeritus of Indiana Digital Preservation (InDiPres)
