Tag Archives: Health and Wellness

Employee Wellness Incentive: Corrective to Inclusive – 1 LEU

Get an inside view of how and why a public library transitioned from an insurance incentive that targeted those who failed screening benchmarks to a wellness incentive that treats health as holistic. Come learn about the research behind incentives and see how one program evolved. Presenters will detail inclusive and holistic features, ask attendees to personalize ideas for their own institutions, and break wellness activities into pieces that can be applied with or without an insurance discount.

Date recorded:  5/8/24

Format: Archived YouTube video

Presenters: Faith Brautigam, Library Director and Christie Tate, Head of Human Resources and Volunteers / Kokomo – Howard County Public Library

We Need More Than Just Yoga and Meditation: Really Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Librarians and Library Workers – 1 LEU

In our everyday work, we focus much of our time and energy on patron services, ways to improve these services, and innovative ways to support our patrons and communities. Yet, we regularly neglect one significantly underserved population – ourselves. Specifically, the mental health needs of librarians and library workers. These needs, alongside support, are rarely addressed in conference presentations or continuing education programs. This webinar will discuss practical and meaningful approaches for librarians and library workers to manage emotional labor, triggering service experiences, and compassion fatigue, preventing burnout or furthering of mental health issues. Additionally, this webinar will offer ways in which management and colleagues can compassionately and respectfully support those who are experiencing a mental health crisis.

Date Recorded: 04/24/2024

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Abigail Phillips, Assistant Professor – School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Geri-Fit at the Library: A Look at Evidence-Based Fitness Programming in Libraries – 1 LEU

Learn how libraries can partner with local and state funding sources to bring evidence-based fitness programs, fall prevention courses, and chronic disease-management classes to their libraries. The focus will be on older adult programming. Hear from other Indiana libraries about their success stories and expansion efforts into offering community education classes for this special segment of the population.

Date Recorded: 04/10/24

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Fran Fisher, CEO of Geri-Fit Company, LLC

Creative Aging and Lifelong Arts Indiana – 1 LEU

Stephanie Haines, from the Indiana Arts Commission, talks about the Lifelong Arts Indiana a program that teaches the benefits and practices of “Creative Aging.” Creative Aging is the purposeful development of creative experiences to benefit older adults, often in partnership with a local artist. Libraries have a meaningful connection with older adults in their community and the Indiana Arts Commission would like to provide library staff with the tools and funding needed to implement meaningful Creative Aging programs. Check out this great example of a strong creative aging program at a library from our friends at the Delaware Arts Commission https://youtu.be/N-WXvIaKyFw?feature=shared Indiana Arts Commission is offering up to 35 libraries across the state a Lifelong Arts Early Action Grant which will fund a sequential arts-learning experience for a group of older adults in their community. Grants will be for up to $5,000 and will be led by a qualified artist.

Date Recorded: 1/10/2024

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Stephanie Haines, Arts Education and Accessibility Program Manager, Indiana Arts Commission


Sign up here: Lifelong Arts Creative Aging learning & funding sign up https://forms.office.com/g/Vh6H819GGW

Deadline February 26, 2024 4pmET

Contact info for Roberta Wong





Beyond Books: Serving the Whole Patron – 1 LEU

image of multicolored tactile toysThe staff of the North Manchester Public Library strive to meet the needs of their community in a variety of innovative ways. Unique programs and resources strengthen community relationships, center the library as an integral part of community life, and undergird literacy. In this webinar, Sarah Morbitzer, Children’s Department head, will share the ways NMPL is working to promote food security, physical activity, sensory integration, accessibility, and curiosity in learning.

Presenter Sarah Morbitzer began her career in the library world as a 10 year old volunteer. As a high school student she was hired as a clerk and promoted to Children’s programmer in her late teens. She later served as a Children’s Department Assistant and is now the Children’s Department Head at the North Manchester Public Library. Big ideas get her excited and one of her greatest joys is implementing new ideas at the library to blow patrons’ minds and get them excited about coming to their library!

Date Recorded: 5/10/2023

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Sarah Morbitzer / North Manchester Public Library

Resource: Beyond Books Serving the Whole Patron resources


Because We Matter – 1 LEU

telehealth doctor and patient on computer screenThe Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the employment of social workers will grow 12% from 2020 to 2030 to meet an increase in demand. Further, with the growth of telehealth and telemedicine visits continuing beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals are finding more ways to reach their healthcare providers. However, in rural areas, finding local providers and reliable Internet access can create a barrier to access. As public libraries have long been viewed as the central hub for information, gatherings, and broadband service, their pivot to serve as a place for patrons to meet virtually with social workers comes at an opportune time. This presentation will show how three public libraries developed a pilot program – titled “Because You Matter” – with the Indiana University School of Social Work to coordinate weekly telehealth visits with social work students and library patrons. They’ll share successes, failures, and what they learned to improve the program in the future. 

Date Recorded: 10/26/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Stephanie Rawlins / Director, Pike County Public Library & Jordan Orwig / Director, Sullivan County Public Library & Nathan Watson / Director, Bedford Public Library



Get INSPIRED: Health and Medicine Resources – 1 LEU

logo for Indiana's INSPIRE databasesIn this webinar we will be exploring the various database options within INSPIRE for use with health or medicine research requests. Join us for an overview of the database and come with questions.

Date Recorded: 3/9/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  George Bergstrom / Indiana State Library



A Trauma-Informed Approach to Public Library Social Service – 1 LEU


handsAthens (Georgia) Regional Library is one of the first public libraries to refocus a social work program toward a trauma-informed framework. This session presents replicable steps in providing library services, designing and implementing policies, and supplying holistic training for staff utilizing a trauma-informed lens. As libraries are asked to do more with less, this session highlights easily attained methods of becoming trauma-informed and establishing a system which reflects the assets of the community and organizational values. 1hr / 1 LEU.

Date Recorded: 6/30/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Trudi Green / Assistant Director for Public Services, Athens Regional Library System; Jennifer Elkins / Associate Professor, University of Georgia School of Social Work; Sarah List / Information Services Librarian, Athens Regional Library System.



COVID 19 Vaccination Policies: What to Consider – 1 LEU

Are you wondering what to consider in forming your library’s policy on COVID-19 vaccinations? This webinar addresses the legality of mandatory vaccine policies during a pandemic and examines the pros and cons of such policies to help you determine which type of COVID-19 vaccine policy to propose to your board. We will cover: EEOC guidance on mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for employees and the circumstances under which an employer may require employees to be vaccinated. How to provide reasonable accommodations in compliance with federal anti-discrimination laws including people with disabilities under the ADA and people with religious objections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Other options available to employers, such as encouraging staff to become vaccinated or providing incentives for employees who do so. Specific provisions to consider including in your vaccination policy. How Indiana’s Vaccine Allocation Plan and state law might impact this decision.

Date Recorded:  2/18/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Cheri Harris, Certification Program Director/Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

Resources:  CAH PPT Handout Vaccine Webinar,  Vaccine Resources

Mental Maintenance – 1 LEU

stacked rocks by waterMindfulness and self-care are well-intentioned buzz terms, but, how often do we really have the time or extra energy to follow through with them? Now more than ever, keeping your emotional well-being afloat can mean the difference between surviving and thriving, and not just at work. Drawing from various sources and personal experiences, including both successes and failures, discover how one hot-headed and persnickety librarian found a slice of inner peace (and can even sleep at night). Ideas and examples for self-care and stress management will be given. Handouts will include an extensive bibliography. This session asks tough questions and addresses the stress in our lives; however, it is not intended to replace professional care and/or advice.

Date Recorded: 4/28/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Jeremy Bolom, Assistant Director/Head of Public Service, Lincoln Parish Library (LA)
