All posts by Paula Newcom

Best Practices for Preserving Board Minutes – 1 LEU

Kim Hagerty, Director of Digitization and Micrographics Services at the Indiana Archives and Records Administration will go over best practices for preserving library board minutes. She will also cover what needs to be sent to IARA – board minutes or board packet? Board minutes and supporting documents if available. The best way to send it – digitize or original copies? Digital copies of the original files is best. Kim will explain further how libraries can do this in-house. What is the timeframe? This is dependent on amount of files. One reel of microfilm holds approximately 2,500 files. This could be over ten years’ worth of meeting minutes. And she will also cover best practices – start with current and work backwards? Either way is fine, if the oldest minutes are in brittle condition, the IARA would recommend starting with them for preservation purposes.

Date Recorded: 8/31/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Kim Hagerty, Director of Digitization and Micrographics Services / Indiana Archives and Records Administration (IARA)




Beginner’s Guide to Being in Charge – 1 LEU

Suzanne MacaulayMoving into a new leadership role can be overwhelming and intimidating. This presentation will go over some dos and don’ts to help new leaders feel more confident and become more effective in their current and future roles. Participants will learn some common mistakes new leaders make (and how to avoid them), how to conquer feelings of doubt or imposter syndrome, and practical leadership techniques. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of creating a support network, investing in personal and professional development, and recognizing the value, knowledge, and skillset new leaders bring to their organizations.

Date Recorded: 9/28/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Suzanne Macaulay, Deputy Director / Pioneer Library System (NY)




Student Loan Debt for Librarians and Library Staff – 1 LEU

An overview of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program and the Temporary Waiver and how you might be able to have your student debt gone sooner rather than later.  This webinar will include information about both of these programs, the current landscape of student loans, and a variety of resources.

Date Recorded: 9/13/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Ruth Frasur / Indiana State Library




Raising Ready Readers – 1 LEU

Raising ready readers muncie public library racoon open bookIn this webinar, Katie Lehman of the Muncie Public Library’s Ready Readers program will explore a variety of methods used by the program to engage children in reading in creative and fun ways. Participants will learn different ways that these approaches can be incorporated into their own library’s programming.

Katie Lehman is the founding leader of the Muncie Public Library’s Ready Readers program, a free one-on-one literacy training and reading tutoring service for children ages 1-12. She has spent the last 10 years working with children in various settings including preschools, after school programs, and libraries.

Date Recorded: 9/13/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Katie Lehman / Muncie Public Library





Reimagining School Readiness – Part 1-2 LEUs & Part 2-1 LEU

reimagining school readinessThe Reimagining School Readiness Toolkit is a suite of research-backed resources created for library staff to help families prepare children ages 0 to 8 for success in school and in life. Through an interactive presentation with hands-on activities, this training will introduce library staff to the research, practical implications, and resources offered in the toolkit, which is available in its entirety for free online. Participants will understand key findings from current cognitive and developmental psychology research, reflect on the implications of those findings for their daily work, and gain practical ready-to-implement ideas for activities, as well as resources for staff training and for parents/caregivers. You will benefit from this workshop if you work with children ages 0 to 8 and their families and would like to learn more about how to offer research-backed programming in your library!

Date Recorded: 9/16/22 and 9/17/2022

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates / ISL Children’s Consultant and Suzanne Walker / Indiana Young Reader’s Center Librarian and Director of the Indiana Center for the Book


Part 1 = 2 hours / 2 LEUs


Part 2 = 1.25 hours / 1 LEU


Retirement on the Horizon? a Public Library Director’s Primer – 1 LEU

sandy beach next to waterIs retirement in your near future? Or is it years away? Either way, it’s time to think about what steps to take to prepare yourself and your library for this transition. This will be a panel discussion with directors who have retired, soon to retire or are planning to retire (sometime). If you would like to submit a question with the panel, please fill out this survey.

Date Recorded: 7/27/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Lynn Hobbs, current director of Pendleton Community Public Library, not ready for retirement, but working on a succession plan / Marilyn Wood, former director of Monroe County Public Library, retired May 2022 / Mary K. Emmrich, former director of Newton County Public Library, not retired yet, but in mentoring role as needed and a branch manager.



Enriching School Wide Collaboration around Books and Authors – 1 LEU

teaching books logoSchool library staff! Spread the word and lead the way with resources that directly enrich the literacy work in your school in all content areas.  Perpetuate leadership and support school-wide collaboration with colleagues, students, families, and administrators through engaging materials with easy to use share options and promotional tools to excite your community. Book Connections/TeachingBooks is one of many databases provided free to all Indiana residents via

Date Recorded: 7/13/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: TeachingBooks/Book Connections staff


NetGalley for Librarians: Demo and Overview – 1 LEU

NetGallery green and white logoNetGalley is a free website for librarians to request and download digital review copies and audiobooks, while connecting with publishers and staying up to date with upcoming releases. The service is quick, efficient, secure, and always free for library staff. Learn how to get started (registration, filling in your Profile, and requesting your first book or audiobook), helpful features and tools, and ways NetGalley can specifically help librarians with collection development and readers’ advisory.

Date Recorded: 6/29/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Tarah Theoret – Senior Director of Community Experience and Hallie Fields – Social Media Assistant Manager / NetGalley



I See a Library! Making Libraries More Accessible to the Visually Impaired – 1 LEU

Kate KosiorIt’s a daunting tasks for librarians to consider how best to welcome visually impaired patrons into their libraries.  However, with a better understanding of what vision loss is, you can make quick, easy, and inexpensive changes to your library that will open the doors more fully to those with vision loss.  Learn more about vision loss and how to quickly and easily change your flyers and presentations, physical space, technology, and signage to be more accessible.

Date Recorded: 6/8/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Kate Kosior, Braille and Talking Book Library Manager / South Dakota State Library



Canva Demo and Q&A: Ask Questions, Get Answers from an Amateur Designer and Professional Librarian – 1 LEU

This session will include a demonstration of Canva, the web-based graphic design and publishing tool. Learn tips and tricks that will help you do more with Canva and help you create graphics that capture the attention of your audience. Questions submitted before the webinar will help guide the presentation.

Date Recorded: 5/17/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Cole Zrostlik, Collaborative Consultant / Winding Rivers Library System (Wisconsin)
