Tag Archives: Community

Because We Matter – 1 LEU

telehealth doctor and patient on computer screenThe Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the employment of social workers will grow 12% from 2020 to 2030 to meet an increase in demand. Further, with the growth of telehealth and telemedicine visits continuing beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals are finding more ways to reach their healthcare providers. However, in rural areas, finding local providers and reliable Internet access can create a barrier to access. As public libraries have long been viewed as the central hub for information, gatherings, and broadband service, their pivot to serve as a place for patrons to meet virtually with social workers comes at an opportune time. This presentation will show how three public libraries developed a pilot program – titled “Because You Matter” – with the Indiana University School of Social Work to coordinate weekly telehealth visits with social work students and library patrons. They’ll share successes, failures, and what they learned to improve the program in the future. 

Date Recorded: 10/26/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Stephanie Rawlins / Director, Pike County Public Library & Jordan Orwig / Director, Sullivan County Public Library & Nathan Watson / Director, Bedford Public Library



Come As You Are: Getting Started with EDI Committees in Your Library – 1 LEU

artistic collage of diverse human headsEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committees are a great first step towards strategically ensuring that those facing barriers to library services in our communities are given access and opportunities.  During this webinar, three different libraries will share their experiences with starting, maintaining, and moving forward with EDI committees.  They’ll share what inspired them to begin, how they formed the committee, where they are now, and how they hope to keep growing in the future.

Date Recorded: 3/15/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Shelby Couch and Robyn Bowers, Hussey-Mayfield Public Library / Angie Garrett, Amy Russell, and Ashley Meyers, Kokomo-Howard County Public Library / Whitney Woody and Keeley Waters, Johnson County Public Library



Building Community Engagement and Awareness Through Little Free Library – 1 LEU

You may be familiar with Little Free Library. Those cute boxes that look like oversized bird houses. But they are more than just cute. Join us to learn how to use this low cost, community engagement platform to support your outreach goals. Presenters:

This webinar is eligible for Library Education Units for Indiana Librarians. The following policy applies: Any time a staff member views an online event (or a library purchases a site license for an online event) by any of the Training Providers Approved by ISL for LEUs, the library’s designee in an administrative or Human Resources role shall create and award LEU certificates in-house.

Date Recorded: 2/24/22

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Greig Metzger, Executive Director / Little Free Library and Joanna Sproull / Community Liaison / Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library


An Empathetic Approach to Customer Service Training – 1 LEU

Molly Meyers LaBadieThis presentation addresses customer service training by growing and nurturing empathy and empowering staff to navigate the gray areas in our policies. Using storytelling and group interaction, we will look at special and challenging situations such as code of conduct violations and difficult patrons. Discover how understanding our own implicit biases and not assuming the worst of our patrons can help you offer consistent customer service to everyone we serve.

Date Recorded: 8/25/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Molly LaBadie, Deputy Director / Delaware County District Library

Molly Meyers LaBadie has been in Libraries for almost 20 years. She was lucky to have four of those as a Library Trainer allowing her to train staff in customer service and spend time learning what really made a difference. Currently, as a Deputy Director, she finds that empathy for both staff and patrons is a powerful tool in offering exceptional customer service.



Where Do We Go From Here – 1 LEU

Are you worried about getting children and teens back into the library post-COVID? You aren’t alone! A community-based approach will help you expand your reach to patrons new and old, so in this webinar we’ll talk about Community Asset Mapping, a strategy that will help you discover and develop new partnerships.

Date Recorded: 10/19/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters: Beth Yates, Children’s Consultant / Indiana State Library and Christy Franzman, Teen Coordinator / Hamilton East Public Library



Developing Welcoming Spaces for LGBTQ+ – 1 LEU

Creating welcoming spaces for members of the LGBTQ+ community is easier than you might think. In this session you’ll learn some of the small and big things you can do to help create those spaces for not just patrons, but also your coworkers and employees.

Date Recorded: 9/17/21

Format:  Archived YouTube Video

Presenter: Jayne Walters, Indianapolis Public Library


A Trauma-Informed Approach to Public Library Social Service – 1 LEU


handsAthens (Georgia) Regional Library is one of the first public libraries to refocus a social work program toward a trauma-informed framework. This session presents replicable steps in providing library services, designing and implementing policies, and supplying holistic training for staff utilizing a trauma-informed lens. As libraries are asked to do more with less, this session highlights easily attained methods of becoming trauma-informed and establishing a system which reflects the assets of the community and organizational values. 1hr / 1 LEU.

Date Recorded: 6/30/21

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenters:  Trudi Green / Assistant Director for Public Services, Athens Regional Library System; Jennifer Elkins / Associate Professor, University of Georgia School of Social Work; Sarah List / Information Services Librarian, Athens Regional Library System.



COVID 19 Vaccination Policies: What to Consider – 1 LEU

Are you wondering what to consider in forming your library’s policy on COVID-19 vaccinations? This webinar addresses the legality of mandatory vaccine policies during a pandemic and examines the pros and cons of such policies to help you determine which type of COVID-19 vaccine policy to propose to your board. We will cover: EEOC guidance on mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for employees and the circumstances under which an employer may require employees to be vaccinated. How to provide reasonable accommodations in compliance with federal anti-discrimination laws including people with disabilities under the ADA and people with religious objections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Other options available to employers, such as encouraging staff to become vaccinated or providing incentives for employees who do so. Specific provisions to consider including in your vaccination policy. How Indiana’s Vaccine Allocation Plan and state law might impact this decision.

Date Recorded:  2/18/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Cheri Harris, Certification Program Director/Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

Resources:  CAH PPT Handout Vaccine Webinar,  Vaccine Resources

Political Activity in the Library – 1 LEU

As the November elections draw near, candidates and other campaigners are likely to want to use library resources. What must you allow? What can you allow? What can you restrict and what can you put guidelines on? We will cover the appropriate responses to a variety of real life situations so you will know what to say if someone asks to post election signs on library property, leaflet for a candidate in the parking lot or on the sidewalk, or hold a campaign meeting or rally in your meeting room.

Date Recorded:  09/29/2020

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Cheri Harris, Certification Program Director/Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library

Resources:  2020 Political Activity PPT Handout


Affordable After Hours Pick-up Service – 1 LEU

Working patrons sometimes struggle with getting to the library before we close. By implementing an after hours pick up service you can now offer the freedom to pick up materials on the patron’s schedule instead of the library schedule. Learn how using a set of lockers and specialty locks can allow you to provide convenient pick-up times at your library for less than $1,000. Materials, processes, and our lessons learned will be shared.

Date Recorded:  04/07/2021

Format: Archived YouTube Video

Presenter:  Julie Elmore, Director, Oakland City Columbia Township Public Library